I openly admit my faults. Some people aren't mature enough to do that, but I am not part of that crowd. However, I am very proud of my strengths - I'm unflappably confident and like to give some of that confidence to other people through encouragement.
(e:jessbob) - stop freaking out about your test - you're a smart guy and you are going to do well... being nervous about an exam is going to hurt you rather than help you. Do your work, study hard, cram every bit of your brain with the information you need to know, go take your exam, get an A, then go to sleep. Have you ever seen "What The Bleep Do We Know?" Theres a study they talk about in the movie where people can make water react differently based solely on mental power. They have people concentrate on being happy, mad, nervous, the entire spectrum of emotions. Your body is made up almost entirely of water - when you are angry or nervous remember that!
Anyhow, back to me (Haha!). Besides my natural instinct to bring people up when they are down, I dislike it when people say they can't do things. BULLSHIT! I had a guy say to me once that he wished he could go back to school and become an accountant. I turned to him and said, "of course you can do it - just do what needs to be done, get your degree, get that job and enjoy what you reap from your hard work!" To me when people are worried about whether or not they can achieve something they are thinking of the steps they need to take as BARRIERS rather than OBSTACLES that require necessary steps that can and will be overcome if you put honest hard work into it.
I serve as a confidant to my closest friends because they know that they are going to get an interesting and positive bit of advice from me. When my brother or other friends of mine are depressed I tell them that negative energy is making it impossible for them to have positive energy. Think about that for a minute. Once upon a tiime Joshypoo had a nervous breakdown over a girl - this girl had me wrangled up so badly that I literally left Buffalo for 3 weeks and didn't come back until I had the right frame of mind. I stayed with my dad and cooked together with him, worked in the yard at my grandmas house, went for runs... there was also a point in time where I didn't leave my dads living room for an entire week. What I learned during those 3 weeks was that NEVER AGAIN would I let something like that unwind me and make me forget about who I am. How insane was it for me to let somebody do that to me? Why should somebody or something make me lose my center and sense of self? I came back to Buffalo a new man with a new, meaner leaner attitude. The negative energy made it impossible for me to have positive energy - AKA I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel because I was too absorbed with mulling over what was wrong rather than everything that was right. Know thyself. Any other thing thats wrong is irrelevant because its temporary.
What I'm leading to in a rather longwinded way is this - what happens when the eternally confident and optimistic guy feels down for once? Does he not talk about it? I'm kind of blue today. My personal solution to this today is to make apple crisp and listen to Belle & Sebastian. What I really want to to is sit on my porch and drink heavily but I know that won't get me anywhere!
I say take out one of the Spaces so you could be hippie GranolaCrunch that might work.
You probably don't have quicktime for firefox, that is not firefox's fault! I know she uses quicktime. There are instructions in the help files on the site.
I like the jersey girl one too, I think its because I am one!
Buffaloflickr is a google blogger blog with links to yahoo flickr galleries. The coolest part is not the blogger blog but the flickr galleries. I can only imagine it will become much better not that yahoo owns it and (e:ajay) works there, lol. People used flickr to upload images for their blogs because sites like blogger and livejournal didn't allow for images to be uploaded to peoples journals. Here we just let you upload for free.
How about Crunchy Wunchies?