Poor Robin...
People who steal things from other people stink.
Now I'm feeling guilty....
I once "liberated" a kid's scooter from someone's curb, it was lying with their garbage so I figured it was mine for the taking....
But what if it wasn't.....what if some little kid set it there by accident and woke up the next morning to find his precious wheels were gone.....
I'm a jerk
I actually might still have it around somewhere.....so if you're interested in a ten year old's sweet ride, it's yours......
Jill's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/10/2004 19:19 #24339
Man Oh Man06/10/2004 01:50 #24338
And HowI agree with Lilho, post pictures people...
I for one get so excited to spot (e:strip)pers out and about, it's almost akin to a celebrity sighting.....
so post pictures and make new friends!
I for one get so excited to spot (e:strip)pers out and about, it's almost akin to a celebrity sighting.....
so post pictures and make new friends!
06/09/2004 03:21 #24337
Woooooo Hooooo!!!!!Yay!>......I just officially preordered Tilly and the Wall's new cd!!!!!
Here are the reasons that they automatically incite happy, fun times whenever their music is played:
1) THey love their audience, and they show it......they've been known to hand out Valentine's cards.
2) Their last ep was delivered to my house in a hand-addressed cardboard box filled with confetti and Bazooka Joe Bubblegum....... in fact, they're so good, that I purchased it despite the fact that it was only available on vinyl.....which meant a thorough search of my attic for my old Fisher Price record player (which, by the way, still works.....now that's quality)
3) They're named after a children's book.
4) Three Fifths of the band also teach grade school.
5) They've replaced typical percussion instruments with a tap dancer......and bells, and cymbals (basically andy instrument you'd find in a third grade music class)
I could go on, but I'll spare you from my excessive gushing (if I haven't reached that point already).....check them out......and feel the love!!
Also, I just heard a band called Maggie, Pierce, and E.J.: quite enjoyable, a bit like if SOndre Lerche was Canadian and female.......not that much of a stretch really...
Oh, and just a note for anyone who read my last entry: they mowed the lawn outside my office.....this may be a good thing (i.e.: the prickers are gone), or a bad thing (the prickers are not gone, simply harder to spot)......I'll let you know how I fare tomorrow.
Here are the reasons that they automatically incite happy, fun times whenever their music is played:
1) THey love their audience, and they show it......they've been known to hand out Valentine's cards.
2) Their last ep was delivered to my house in a hand-addressed cardboard box filled with confetti and Bazooka Joe Bubblegum....... in fact, they're so good, that I purchased it despite the fact that it was only available on vinyl.....which meant a thorough search of my attic for my old Fisher Price record player (which, by the way, still works.....now that's quality)
3) They're named after a children's book.
4) Three Fifths of the band also teach grade school.
5) They've replaced typical percussion instruments with a tap dancer......and bells, and cymbals (basically andy instrument you'd find in a third grade music class)
I could go on, but I'll spare you from my excessive gushing (if I haven't reached that point already).....check them out......and feel the love!!
Also, I just heard a band called Maggie, Pierce, and E.J.: quite enjoyable, a bit like if SOndre Lerche was Canadian and female.......not that much of a stretch really...
Oh, and just a note for anyone who read my last entry: they mowed the lawn outside my office.....this may be a good thing (i.e.: the prickers are gone), or a bad thing (the prickers are not gone, simply harder to spot)......I'll let you know how I fare tomorrow.
06/08/2004 01:42 #24336
Ouch, ouch ouch......this is a picture of the pricker bush that I walk through every morning on my way to work. There seems to be some inexplicable force which guides my feet to this exact spot day after day......or perhaps it's just due to the fact that I'm usually still trying to shake off the last traces of sleepiness, too distracted to be cautious. Whatever the cause, my poor feet need a break.....I'm thinking of bringing a little hoe (haha...not Lilho)....and doing some light weeding. Be prepared to DIE PRICKER!!!!
On a lighter note, I'm really excited to see Comedicqueen and Showerscene on the site!!!...Welcome guys!
06/07/2004 20:59 #24335
Jessbob!!!!Just a note:
Jesse, check your email por favor....
(and respond......preferably before months have passed)
Jesse, check your email por favor....
(and respond......preferably before months have passed)