Is anything more exciting than getting packages in the mail?...........nope-er-roo
I need to get out and dance......
Booty-shakin', Booty-shakin'........lord I love to shake my booty!!!!
06/13/2004 13:42 #24341
My Little Aiders
Just like his pappa.....
06/13/2004 13:32 #24340
*#*#*#*#*HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDG*#*#*#*#*#*
06/10/2004 19:19 #24339
Man Oh Man
Poor Robin...
People who steal things from other people stink.
Now I'm feeling guilty....
I once "liberated" a kid's scooter from someone's curb, it was lying with their garbage so I figured it was mine for the taking....
But what if it wasn't.....what if some little kid set it there by accident and woke up the next morning to find his precious wheels were gone.....
I'm a jerk
I actually might still have it around if you're interested in a ten year old's sweet ride, it's yours......
06/10/2004 01:50 #24338
And How
I agree with Lilho, post pictures people...
I for one get so excited to spot (e:strip)pers out and about, it's almost akin to a celebrity sighting.....