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12/30/2005 12:16 #24208

thurs nite
no call yet from prenitebootycall guy. i have a bad feeling i wont. 'operation avoid at all costs in public' is now in full swing. aka - no tudor or pink tonite.

tomorrow i am leaving for downstate for a while. my friends rented a loft in soho for the NYE celebration. should be a good time - see the old group.

last nite saw Syriana. it was incredible. i really, really recommend it. one of the best movies i have seen in a while. both chris and i really adored it.

my nite of not drinking went alright. except for one pesky factor. i couldn't sleep. i was wide awake and shaky til 3ish. it drove me nuts. i am going to try it again tonite. stay in and relax. hopefully my body will get used to this.

12/29/2005 18:33 #24207

the pre-evening booty call
growing up my mom always talked about how as a girl the one thing she asked for every christmas was a Mystery Date game. my grandma would never buy it for her because she thought it was sexist. she would tell this story all the time - and sing the jingle from the commercial ("Open the door...its your mystery date!") This christmas my dad hunted one down on ebay and bought it for my mom. It was probably one of the sweetest things I have ever seen my dad do. It was also 1 of 3 times I have ever seen my mother cry. I can only hope i have what they have someday. I will compare every relationship to them forever, because they are my ideal couple.

this is not something i am going to attain in my current trend. i think i got early evening booty called tuesday nite. i have recently taken up with someone i have known for a while. for a week or so he called and messaged me repeatedly, wanting to hang out and wanting to do things for me. we spoke everyday. basically he sucked me in. tuesday he called me in the afternoon to see if i wanted to come by after work and watch a movie or something. i was there by about 8pm. we hung out for a while, listened to records and such. then around 1030ish he gets on his computer and starts messaging and checking his myspace. he informed me it was his friends birthday and some one was going to come over and get him so he can go to his party. no invite.
what the hell is that? to make it worse it is thursday nite and he hasn't spoken to me since. this, under normal circumstances, would not be odd - but bear in mind we were talking repeatedly throughout the day. i can't believe i got swindled into the pre-nite booty call. damnit.
i think i will be seriously offended if he doesn't talk to me again. for several reasons:
a.) that is bullshit
b.) he is good friends with my uncle
c.) i have to see him out all the time
d.) it makes me lose more hope about nice boys - because he was ridiculously nice to me for years

tonite i am going to take a nice relaxing nite off. stop at my nana's for dinner. see a movie with chris. i snagged some free regal passes from work so we are choosing between munich, syriana or king kong. he is voting for syriana i know - and i might just have to go along with that.
sbrugger - 12/30/05 09:18
Let me preface this by saying that, as I have no knowledge of your past with this or any other guy, this isn't about YOU in any way shape or form.

However....(lol)....sometimes men don't start off being that way. We're all products of our experiences and most of us have/are/will be jerked around by women. This can create a sort of "get in, get out, quit fuckin' about" (to quote a wonderful song...) mentality. It's unfortunate this was done to you (unless you were the direct cause..then I'd say good for him), but everything can be a learning experience.

Or maybe he's just an ass.......
jenks - 12/29/05 18:43
That happened to me once... I had a huge crush on this guy, and we had been hanging out a bit, and he invited me over to watch a movie... I was pretty psyched. so we're watching, and he gets a call and doesn't answer. Then later he listens to the message. And he was like "yeah there's this party and I'm totally not going..." so we're still hanging out, then he changes his mind and decides to go. No invite. Only to find out later that the person calling him about the party was my semi-best friend, who also liked him.
Boys suck.
I hope he calls you, because that IS bullshit.
Good luck...

12/22/2005 15:02 #24206

pizza hut yo
today our manager bought pizza and pop for our department. kind of a holiday treat and 'thanks for the good work this year" kinda thing. it was pizza hut. this was the first time i had ever had pizza hut. it was pretty damn good. my parents never let me have it as a kid - with may have traumatized me. granted , they also named me after an allman brothers song so i suppose i shouldn't expect much less.

a few weeks ago i wrote about how i got a desk ergonomic evaluation. i finally got my new keyboard tray installed. i freakin hate it. i am more uncomfortable then ever. and all my cords keep getting tangled. i am going crazy.

also. they guy in the cubicle next to me (aka the sneeze guy) keeps farting out load. i find this even more bizarre then gross.

last nite was beamer's cd release party. considering i am probably the worst friend ever i went to luna with rachel and missed it. stopped by 1039 later though and stayed out much later then i should have. especially after going out everynite this week. i think i have a problem.

12/20/2005 15:23 #24205

flying bison scotch ale
ok work wasnt as bad as i anticipated. i may have a tiny tendency to overreact. a few jabs about here and there. but i made it through the day.

went to brennans to watch the game last nite with chris. again it was very crowded. a lot of drunks 50-somethings in suits. i kinda hope i am never a drunk 50-something in a suit. afterwards i picked up the girls and stopped into hardware for a drink. why i felt the need to drink on a monday nite i don't know, but it turned out for the better when i came home to a party in my living room. friends were in town visiting - and (unbeknown to me) 3 of them were staying in my living room. the party at my house that eventually moved to mcgarrets allowing me to fall asleep and sleep right through afterhours as well. thank you flying bison scotch ale for making me sleep peacefully despite the hippies parting outside my bedroom door.

i am going as dyans date to her christmas party tonite. her boyfriend is working. luckily i know a lot of the people she works with so it wont be too bad. and there is open bar. i really need to be xmas shopping. i havnt bought one gift yet. i am going to be doing it all tmw and thursday after work. friday i am going to the party at sphere in which ron jeremy is mc. this should be interesting.

12/19/2005 14:18 #24204

monday morning regret
friday got my ticket cleared up. i called the courthouse like 3 times on the way in desperate hope it would closed due to weather. i got there late - but it didn't even matter. i waited for about 3 hours. $110 - no points on my license. i guess i can't complain too much.
when i got home marla and i decorated the house to the extreme, listened to burl ives and drank hot cider and rum. i was a touching scene. apparently the mantle we have in our bar room is removable and we moved it into the dining room and decortaed that as well. cozy. later on people came over and we drank more rum and cider and watched "the aristocrats." it put me in a vile mood for the rest of the weekend. something about watching bob saget talk filthy made me disgusting. the things that came out of my mouth this weekend really surpized me. and i think everyone around me as well.

saturday. game day. going to this game may have been the 2nd biggest mistake of my life. the first being getting completely wasted at it in front of my coworkers. i spent yesterday looking for a new job as i couldn't fathom coming in today. but here i am - hiding out for dear life in my cubicle. if i can just hide for the next month hopefully it will be forgotten.
metalpeter - 12/19/05 19:07
By the game I assume you mean the penguins vs. Sabres. You are so lucky. You may not have been the only one who got plowed. Just pretend you don't remember what happend as long as you didn't wind up doing one of your coworkers Don't worry about it. But more importantly who paid for the drinks. If it was the company or a salesmen you arn't to blame it is there fault.

I saw bob Saget do stand up and he was verry dirty I have no idea how he got full house (I used to watch it everyweek). On a side note You should see the guy who played Skippy from Family ties I have heard he is verry dirty also but funny as hell. That movie sounds more like a thinking comedy like I can apricate it, and understand it, not a ha ha funny type of movie I still do want to see it.
joshua - 12/19/05 15:02
hot cider and rum? mmm.
jason - 12/19/05 14:38
The New York Times had a glowing review of that movie - which should have been enough for you to not watch it. Wow, a movie with a bunch of comedians telling their version of the alleged dirtiest joke in history. I love, LOVE dirty jokes and filthy talk but even I think the movie is just ridiculous. I hope the people who made it lost money.

Anyway, there are two real reasons why I am writing to you today.

1) Everybody thinks I am leaving the site, it is not true, I never said that - I said I am not journaling. I will continue my sniping role and comment on journals I think are interesting.

2) I was very mean to another (e:peep) today in my commentary. Don't get me wrong, I loved it and they deserved it, but I have to have some balance. So I will be very kind to you - don't worry about being drunk in front of coworkers. What's done is done, if they aren't complete morons they will know that isn't who you are 100% of the time. Don't be so hard on yourself!

Take it easy...