I bought the Reno 911 DVD the other day. It is such a funny show. I highly reccommend it. If you do like that show, I reccommend the British show The Office. It is out here on DVD. It is the same fake reality TV show format. It is essentially about how awkward and inappropriate the people can be. Because it is British is makes some offensive jokes that American TV couldn't get away with. They only made 12 episodes and then the directors just didn't want to ruin it so they stopped making it. Anyway I highly reccommend it.
I would also like to do something I forgot to in my last entry - welcome maureen. I know you had/have your reservations about the whole online journal thing, but I hope that doesn't stop you from posting a lot. That way I can stalk you too and it isn't as weird because at least I know you. Anyway welcome.
Hmmmmmm. Tomorrow night I am going to my friend nate's b-day party. That should be fun. My roommates are all going to go in for a gift but we don't know what we are getting him yet. I figure worse comes to worse we can always pick something up for him at a sex shop. We'll see.
I really enjoy your theory on people in their cars at beaches Terry. [inlink]terry,254[/inlink] I don't know if TV and computer screens actually have anything to do with it, but it is a great theory if only on the cleverness of it.
I guess that is all. Always remember: red on yellow - kill a fellow; red on black - venom lack (but you will still need a tetanus shot)
Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/25/2004 23:42 #24050
Reno 91106/24/2004 12:41 #24049
Quick EntryAs I haven't posted anything in a while, I figured I should do a quick one before I go to work.
First off, big props to paul on the AIM addition.
Second, Shameless selfpromotion 2.0, I posted another article at my friends website on DC's soon to start ban on hand-held cell phones on driving. It is essentially the same law NY has now. I am not a big fan of either law and the article explains why. Check it out if you feel like it. Let me know what you think. It is at www.intellectualwastebasket.com under the "News & Politics" called "Olczak: Cell Phone Regulations."
Third, I finally got my ID for work, which is cool because I don't have to be cleared into the building each time. But it also means I have to start working mornings next week. Nothing says fun like having to be at work at 6:30 am and the only way to get there is thru public transport. We'll see what happens.
Fourth, I am late for work. I will update for real soon. Bye.
First off, big props to paul on the AIM addition.
Second, Shameless selfpromotion 2.0, I posted another article at my friends website on DC's soon to start ban on hand-held cell phones on driving. It is essentially the same law NY has now. I am not a big fan of either law and the article explains why. Check it out if you feel like it. Let me know what you think. It is at www.intellectualwastebasket.com under the "News & Politics" called "Olczak: Cell Phone Regulations."
Third, I finally got my ID for work, which is cool because I don't have to be cleared into the building each time. But it also means I have to start working mornings next week. Nothing says fun like having to be at work at 6:30 am and the only way to get there is thru public transport. We'll see what happens.
Fourth, I am late for work. I will update for real soon. Bye.
06/21/2004 23:55 #24048
Stalking, but with loveI don't read entries for one day and madness ensues. I'm sorry about the whole stituation, whatever it may be. I know I don't know most of you, but I feel like I do just because I read all of your journal entries. This whole blogging thing is a pretty wierd experience. Especially because, though I don't know most of you, there is only one or two degrees of seperation between us. Kiss our e-strip ass Kevin Bacon.
Speaking of my stalking, a reccommendation for the site if you read this Paul. With the addition of all the new people, I would reccomend expanding the "Last Ten" list. Because so many people now update, when I check for new journal entries I have to now click on "more." It would make it a whole lot easier if there were more listed right there sans click.
I burnt my arm on my iron today. I hurt like heck and now I have a huge line down my arm. And to those that know me, No I wasn't ironing my shirt while it was on me.
Hmmmmm. That is all for now. I just want to say I love you all (though I may or may not actually know you). In the words of Jerry Springer: Take care of yourselves and each another.
Speaking of my stalking, a reccommendation for the site if you read this Paul. With the addition of all the new people, I would reccomend expanding the "Last Ten" list. Because so many people now update, when I check for new journal entries I have to now click on "more." It would make it a whole lot easier if there were more listed right there sans click.
I burnt my arm on my iron today. I hurt like heck and now I have a huge line down my arm. And to those that know me, No I wasn't ironing my shirt while it was on me.
Hmmmmm. That is all for now. I just want to say I love you all (though I may or may not actually know you). In the words of Jerry Springer: Take care of yourselves and each another.
06/20/2004 12:09 #24047
Control Room & Fog of WarYesterday my roommate and I went to see the movie Control Room.
It recently opened at a local film festival, the AFI Silverdocs, and it is a documentary about the coverage of the Iraq War on al Jazeera. I highly reccomend it and believe everyone should see it simply on the basis that it gives you an insight into the way the Arab world views Americans. It was a very eye opening experience. Most of the movies is filmed as the behind the scenes coverage of the station, with interviews of the staff and managers of the station that explain their position on things and how and why they broadcast certain things that they got heavily criticized for by the Bush administration. Just to warn you I am about to spoil the end for you - not that it really is a spoiler because it is a documentary. One of the most interesting things in the movie is the exchanges between a US soldier who is one of the American press officials. He is not the guy that gives the big press conferences, but is who the media interview afterwards for clarifications of the US position. He is a good character because he represents the "average American" perception of the conflict. He is not high military brass. As the movie progresses he starts to gain an understanding of the Arab culture and how they view America. One of the best exchenges he has is with an al Jazeera reporter that once worked for the BBC. In trying to explain the American position and how Americans view this conflict in relation to the one in Isreal, the BBC reporter interrupts him and says, "I understand what you are saying, and I understand how the west sees these as two different conflicts, but the Arab world sees them as one. Though the REALLY bad things Isreal does are not done by Americans, the Arab world sees them as one in the same." The soldier responds: "That is interesting. Because if everyone in Arab world sees the Isreal conflict and the Iraq war as linked. There is noone in America that would even think of those two things as the same. The two countries could be on opposite sides of the world for how Americans view the conflict." It was really interesting to hear that those two conflict are considered one by the Arab world. I would never ever think that. That revelation alone is worth the price of the ticket. I think all Americans should see that movie so they can understand how the Arab world views us. That is a really important element that has been overlooked in our approach to foreign policy. Unfortunately, I doubt many will see this movie, and many of those that do aren't the ones that need to see it most.
This leads into another documentary I saw this past week - The Fog of War
. It was another amazing and eye opening movie. It is set up as a series of life lessons that Secretary of Defense Robert McNamera (he held that position during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations for the start and escalation of Vietnam) One of the points he made directly ties into Control Room - Empathize with your enemies. He explains that how we viewed the Vietnam conflict was so strongly from our view that we did not realize that it was viewed by them as a fight for independence. When he went to Vietnam years later and met with his counterparts on the opposite side, and they were telling them how they viewed the war and how they would never be puppets of the Chinese because they hated the Chinese was a revelation to him. He goes on to say that Vietnam failed because we failed to understand this critical fact about our enemy. I think this can be applied to the current war. Because we do not understand the Arab world and how they view us, we will never be successful. That is why everyone needs to see the movie Control Room. Another interesting thing I learned from Fog of War was how close we actually were to nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro had essentially told Kruschev that he sho
d fire the missiles, even though it would mean total annihilation for Cuba. It was really quite scary. I highly reccomend that movie as well.
Sorry to get so political on your ass in this journal. To change topics: How to Disappear Completely is an amazing song and the entire Kid A album is one of the greates albums of all time. That is all. Thank you. Bye.

This leads into another documentary I saw this past week - The Fog of War

d fire the missiles, even though it would mean total annihilation for Cuba. It was really quite scary. I highly reccomend that movie as well.
Sorry to get so political on your ass in this journal. To change topics: How to Disappear Completely is an amazing song and the entire Kid A album is one of the greates albums of all time. That is all. Thank you. Bye.
06/20/2004 12:08 #24046
Control Room & Fog of WarYesterday my roommate and I went to see the movie Control Room.
It recently opened at a local film festival, the AFI Silverdocs, and it is a documentary about the coverage of the Iraq War on al Jazeera. I highly reccomend it and believe everyone should see it simply on the basis that it gives you an insight into the way the Arab world views Americans. It was a very eye opening experience. Most of the movies is filmed as the behind the scenes coverage of the station, with interviews of the staff and managers of the station that explain their position on things and how and why they broadcast certain things that they got heavily criticized for by the Bush administration. Just to warn you I am about to spoil the end for you - not that it really is a spoiler because it is a documentary. One of the most interesting things in the movie is the exchanges between a US soldier who is one of the American press officials. He is not the guy that gives the big press conferences, but is who the media interview afterwards for clarifications of the US position. He is a good character because he represents the "average American" perception of the conflict. He is not high military brass. As the movie progresses he starts to gain an understanding of the Arab culture and how they view America. One of the best exchenges he has is with an al Jazeera reporter that once worked for the BBC. In trying to explain the American position and how Americans view this conflict in relation to the one in Isreal, the BBC reporter interrupts him and says, "I understand what you are saying, and I understand how the west sees these as two different conflicts, but the Arab world sees them as one. Though the REALLY bad things Isreal does are not done by Americans, the Arab world sees them as one in the same." The soldier responds: "That is interesting. Because if everyone in Arab world sees the Isreal conflict and the Iraq war as linked. There is noone in America that would even think of those two things as the same. The two countries could be on opposite sides of the world for how Americans view the conflict." It was really interesting to hear that those two conflict are considered one by the Arab world. I would never ever think that. That revelation alone is worth the price of the ticket. I think all Americans should see that movie so they can understand how the Arab world views us. That is a really important element that has been overlooked in our approach to foreign policy. Unfortunately, I doubt many will see this movie, and many of those that do aren't the ones that need to see it most.
This leads into another documentary I saw this past week - The Fog of War
. It was another amazing and eye opening movie. It is set up as a series of life lessons that Secretary of Defense Robert McNamera (he held that position during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations for the start and escalation of Vietnam) One of the points he made directly ties into Control Room - Empathize with your enemies. He explains that how we viewed the Vietnam conflict was so strongly from our view that we did not realize that it was viewed by them as a fight for independence. When he went to Vietnam years later and met with his counterparts on the opposite side, and they were telling them how they viewed the war and how they would never be puppets of the Chinese because they hated the Chinese was a revelation to him. He goes on to say that Vietnam failed because we failed to understand this critical fact about our enemy. I think this can be applied to the current war. Because we do not understand the Arab world and how they view us, we will never be successful. That is why everyone needs to see the movie Control Room. Another interesting thing I learned from Fog of War was how close we actually were to nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro had essentially told Kruschev that he sho
d fire the missiles, even though it would mean total annihilation for Cuba. It was really quite scary. I highly reccomend that movie as well.
Sorry to get so political on your ass in this journal. To change topics: How to Disappear Completely is an amazing song and the entire Kid A album is one of the greates albums of all time. That is all. Thank you. Bye.

This leads into another documentary I saw this past week - The Fog of War

d fire the missiles, even though it would mean total annihilation for Cuba. It was really quite scary. I highly reccomend that movie as well.
Sorry to get so political on your ass in this journal. To change topics: How to Disappear Completely is an amazing song and the entire Kid A album is one of the greates albums of all time. That is all. Thank you. Bye.