06/17/2004 01:19 #24044
Funny StoriesHere are two funny stories I found at washingtonpost.com yesterday at work. I highly reccomend reading them.
Blind Man Drives Golf Cart in Ga. City
Va. Tells Men: No Sex With Young Girls
06/17/2004 01:04 #24043
Bad storyHello all. I guess I haven't updated in a while. I guess I have been sort of busy/lazy as of late. Here is the craziness of a story for you. Last night my roommate chris invited my other roommate siv and I to a birthday party. Chris is an orientation leader for my school this summer, which means he takes incoming freshman that come to get orientated on tours and team building games and stuff. Anyway, one of the other orientation leaders was having a birthday, so another friend of ours, Vaani, who is also an orientation leader, offers to have it at her house. Because Chris is picking up the cake and has to pick up some other people for the party, we get to the house right on time. When we knock on the door, Vaani's roommate answers and says Vaani does not live there. She has her stuff in the house, but is living on campus while she is an orientation leader because it is easier. We tell her that Vaani is having a party at the house tonight. That was the first she had heard of that. We called Vaani and she told her what was going on, but Vaani still was not at the house. Needless to say, it was quite awkward sitting there at someone else's house for a party, especially when the host isn't there and the roommate that is is still eating dinner because she did not know about the party. Luckily we knew the roommate so it wasn't as awkward as it could've been.
Hmmm. That was a good story when it happened. I don't know if the humor/awkwardness translated well in the retelling. Oh well, you can suffer through my bad stories. Everyone else who knows me does.
06/13/2004 22:20 #24042
Organized CDs = HappinessMy CDs have been in complete disarry since I moved into my apartment in january. The problem is that I gave up the shelves I used to keep them on for our apartment's dvd collection. I put my cds on my desk shelves, but as they wouldn't all fit horizontally, I was forced to put them vertically. This made it a pain in the ass to put the cds back and subsequently my cds and their cases became scattered all around my desk. This lasted until today when I finally put all the CDs back in their proper cases and reorganized them so they could sit horizontally. It makes me so happy to have them organized. It is definitely one of my anal/ocd things. They are organized alphabetically by artist (if it is a person than I use the last name) then by original release date (even if they are reissues), with singles always following the album they were on (even if the single came out first). Now I can look and smile.
Here is a crappy drawing of it:
Sorry it is so bad, but I did pop my sketching cherry.
Oh, and though I don't know you, Happy Birthday Comedicqueen.
That't all for now. Bye
06/12/2004 18:38 #24041
Videos & AllentownI would just like to give props to Jill and Mike on the videos. They were really funny. People became too predictable on the sesame street answer. And on the virginity, come on at least try rhyming, there are lots of dirty words to chose from - "Cock. Balls. / We get the picture Frank you don't have to celebrate it."
Allentown is this weekend? I am jealous. I wish I could be home for it. Last year I got my buffalo belt buckle. Maybe this year I would've splurged on the belt studded with buffalo nickles to match. Now I will never know. If someone is there and feels like spending $40 dollars on someone else, feel free to pick one up for me.
That is all for now and "Stay away from the deli tray" (if anyone can name who said that quote or at least what it is from, they will seriously get the maddest props EVER from me - whatever that is worth)
06/11/2004 21:59 #24040
Ronald Reagan Part 2In regards to terry's response [inlink]terry,243[/inlink], I do agree that respect is earned and not given. I was not meaning to start a political debate on RR's policies and whether they were good or bad. I was just trying to make the point that feelings about the President are subjective and as such they cannot be used as a good method for the government (not individuals) to determine whether the flag should be flown at half mast.
On to other things RR, I visited his casket last night, and oh was it a visit. I will start this story from the beginning. Originally, I was intending on walking down to the Capitol right after I got out of work, which is about 7ish. When I got out I was walking with my coworker and all the roads around the White House were blocked up. Having nothing better to do, I decided to wait and see what was going on. About a half-hour later, we saw the presidential caravan. I was surprised that the windows weren't really all that tinted. It was neat.
I then continued my journey, but was then distracted by a filene's basement. On monday I got a navy blazer, but I still needed another suit, so I stopped. I found a navy suit that looked nice and was cheap, but as they were closing I was unable to try on the pants. So naturally, I just bought it any way. It ended up being cheaper than I thought, like $120. But as I now had a suit, I had to go home, which added another 2 hours to when I got in line (I did get to change out of the suit though).
When I finally got there it was 10:30. Going there I thought, good it will be late so there won't be as many people. Apparently everyone else and their mother thought that too. As a result, I stood in line for six and a half hours (I wasn't even one of those who was there the longest).
I got into the Capitol at 5:10 AM. It was really a beautiful setting. We went in through the front door and the Capitol and the Mall looked so majestic. Little patches of navy blue were starting to break through the dark purple night sky. Once we got inside, it was an regal setting to say the least. The whole scene, with the soldiers and the coffin, set against the backdrop of the always breathtaking Rotunda. It was worth the wait. I will never forget it.
Some less moving side notes. When I went, I didn't know how I was going to get home because I was alone, didn't have a car, and the Metro closed at midnight. I was probably going to have to walk the 7+ miles if my roommates had gone to bed. Luckily all of those things didn't matter because two of my friend who live in the same building were in the next row and I just hung out and got a ride home with them. Even if I didn't find them, the Metro was opening in another hour. The craziness.
I would also like to commend all the people that worked on this, from the park police, to the capitol police, to the DC police, to the Metro bus drivers, to the Red Cross Disaster relief volunteers that handed out free water. For the short notice and the number of people, they did an awesome job and made sure everyone was taken care of.
Anyway, It was an awesome experience and I am glad I did it. It is a story to tell the kids. Sorry if I droned too much. Take care.