I went down with my office to see Reagan's casket process down Constitution Ave to the Capitol building today. We stood right at the beginning and I got to see them take the casket out of the hearse and put it onto the horsedrawn platform. The ceremony of the situation was quite breath taking. The most touching thing by far was the riderless horse. All this week I had been reading about the ceremony and the meaning in the riderless horse with the riders boots turned backwards in the stirrups. But once I was there and saw it and connected it to the fact that Ronald Reagan would never ride a horse again, it was really touching. I know it sounds lame but it was something just being there.
In regards to Paul's journal [inlink]paul,1010[/inlink] about flying the flag half mast. I would say it is up to you how you fly the flag. If you do not think he was a good president then don't. It is your right as a matter of free speech to fly your flag how you want.
In regards to flying the flag at half mast in general for the president, I think the requirement for and length of flying the flag at half mast is codified. I know Reagan and his policies were not liked by all and they hurt a lot of people, but what makes a president a "good person" That is such a subjective term. A lot of people would argue that Reagan was a good person if not a great one. I'm not saying that he was or wasn't. But how could one quantify whether he is worthy of it? Should it be how much they were elected by? Kennedy was barely elected to his first term. If it weren't for a few sketchy votes in Chicago, he would have lost. But many would argue Kennedy is one of our greatest presidents. Should it be the economy during their term? For FDR's first three terms the economy remained in a little slump known as the Great Depression. But many would say that he is one of our best presidents and deserving of the flags being a half mast. Should it be their protection of liberty? Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus while president, but he is considered such a great president that he gets a holiday. My point is, determining whether a president was good or not is impossible and can be up for debate. Lacking a solid manner to measure their accomplishments, I think the flag should be flown at half mast at the death of anyone who has served as our president. You are welcome to disagree with me and I would be interested to hear your thoughts on what I said Paul. I apologize if I sound condescending. I don't mean to. That is just what I think. If you don't want to fly your flag at half mast to show your displeasure with him, I encourage you to. That is the beauty of this country. Our speech is not subject to the orders of the government, and I pray that it never will be.
Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/10/2004 00:49 #24039
Ronald Reagan06/09/2004 00:40 #24038
Would you like to ride my yauchtSo I bought a navy suit coat for work yesterday. I only have two suits that fit me and two others that don't so it was done out of necessity. I wish the fabric was a bit finer but the nicer one was $200 more. I can live with the rough fabric and $200. It is a typical JCPenny blazer, but when I put it on with my khakis and tie this morning I looked like such a preppy ass. It looked like I was about to go sailing on my yaucht after a rousing game of tennis at the country club. Oh well, I gots to do what I gots to do.
Got a crazy call at work today. Someone was telling me how HUD was screwing her and refusing to pay her rent. I'm not exactly sure, she was rambling incoherently for most of the time. I tried to explain to her that we don't handle that. She said that as we give the budget to HUD therefore we had power to tell them to give out the money. I felt bad cause I'm sure whatever she had to deal with sucked but I couldn't do anything for her. She insisted we did so I just took a message and we won't call her back. I feel bad lying to her and acting like we are going to do something. I tried not to act like we were going to call her back too much cause I don't want to get her hopes up, but if she does not believe me what am I supposed to do. I don't know.
On happier news, I finally got my user profile and email. I feel almost legit. Now I only need a photo ID so I can get into the building without having to get cleared in as an appointment each day by my boss. Maybe someday.
Hmmm, I hope I don't get in trouble if this was ever found by a coworker. Just in case, all the situations I describe of me at work are entirely hypothetical, both before and after this point.
That takes care of that. Stay out of trouble, and hopefully I will too.
Got a crazy call at work today. Someone was telling me how HUD was screwing her and refusing to pay her rent. I'm not exactly sure, she was rambling incoherently for most of the time. I tried to explain to her that we don't handle that. She said that as we give the budget to HUD therefore we had power to tell them to give out the money. I felt bad cause I'm sure whatever she had to deal with sucked but I couldn't do anything for her. She insisted we did so I just took a message and we won't call her back. I feel bad lying to her and acting like we are going to do something. I tried not to act like we were going to call her back too much cause I don't want to get her hopes up, but if she does not believe me what am I supposed to do. I don't know.
On happier news, I finally got my user profile and email. I feel almost legit. Now I only need a photo ID so I can get into the building without having to get cleared in as an appointment each day by my boss. Maybe someday.
Hmmm, I hope I don't get in trouble if this was ever found by a coworker. Just in case, all the situations I describe of me at work are entirely hypothetical, both before and after this point.
That takes care of that. Stay out of trouble, and hopefully I will too.
06/08/2004 02:53 #24037
Shameless Self-PromotionAlong with contributing to this site, I also have started writing articles for one of my friends website that he recently put up, Intellectual Wastebasket. Here is the link:
It is also in my links section. Unlike these posts, I actually put thought into developing my position. This article uses experiences that I have had in Buffalo to address what I see as a nationwide problem of government sponsored campaign ads for incumbents. I am curious to hear what other Buffalonians thoughts are on the topic as there is a good chance you have experienced my examples first hand. It is under the "News & Politics" section and the article is titled "Olczak: $ign$" (Sorry about the lame title it was all I could come up with). Please let me know what you think either by posting a response on that site or emailing me through this site. I'd appreciate any feedback I could get even if you think I am a complete moron. Thanks.
In other news, our President declared friday a national day of mourning
which means I don't have to go into work Friday. WOOOO HOOOO!!! On Wednesday, my office is thinking of going to see his casket process down to the Capitol and maybe even go see him lie in state in the Rotunda. Oh the joys of working with Republicans.
Hope all is well with everyone. To Jillian: I emailed you back if you have any questions please let me know, we can work out the times or whatever. To everyone, please read the article and let me know what you think. Thanks

In other news, our President declared friday a national day of mourning

Hope all is well with everyone. To Jillian: I emailed you back if you have any questions please let me know, we can work out the times or whatever. To everyone, please read the article and let me know what you think. Thanks
06/06/2004 12:51 #24036
OopsI almost forgot. Welcome Teres! WOOOO HOOOO! I can't wait to stalk you as much as I stalk everyone else. Just remember to publish so I can stalk you. Talk to you later.
06/06/2004 12:47 #24035
Saved!, Poker, & Ronald ReaganWell I saw the movie Saved! as promised (see last journal). I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed. Both my roommate and I were expecting/hoping for a witty satire of people that call themselves Christians but are still petty backstabbers and overall not nice people. In the end, it was just another teen dramedy that uses pregnancy in a christian school as its backdrop. At the end they try to salvage it as a social commentary by having one of the nonchristians reach out to the jerk main christian, but it was too little and too late. Another complaint with the movie is it did portray christians in a very cartoonish light. I know how over-the-top people in the very conservative sects of christianity can be, but this was far beyond that. It made them look like little more than crazy morons, and I don't think that is a completely fair assessment either. I have seen how cliquey, mean, and judgemental christians can be even though they profess god's love, but this was unfair in its portrayal. I would also like to say that macaulay culkin should be in more movies as he was pretty good in this. I think he can get over the home alone stereotype, but he still looks extremely young. Don't macaulay culkin's lips always looked chapped. They did in this movie and I remember them always seeming too. Can't the man afford some chapstick.
On to other topics, My roommates and I played poker last night. Two other friends were supposed to come over but they both stiffed us. It was pretty fun but they kept getting angry at me because I would introduce new games and they wouldn't give them a chance. I just wanted to play something other than the same three games we kept playing. I lost all my change in the game, but because it was mostly pennies it isn't that bad. I think sivram came out on top taking both mine and chris' money, but I get solace in the fact that he wanted to play to get rid of pennies, but he just ended up with more.
I would also like to address Ronald Reagan's death. I know a lot of people strongly dislike him and his policies, but the man just died. I read/heard of away messages that said "good riddance ronald reagan" or "now ronald reagan can join his comrade Nixon." The man is dead. Let it rest for a while. Oh and regarding the Nixon comment, Nixon and Reagan did not care much for one another. Nixon feared Reagans conservatives taking over the party, which they eventually did. Maybe I am just being over sensitive about this whole thing. Whatever.
On to other topics, My roommates and I played poker last night. Two other friends were supposed to come over but they both stiffed us. It was pretty fun but they kept getting angry at me because I would introduce new games and they wouldn't give them a chance. I just wanted to play something other than the same three games we kept playing. I lost all my change in the game, but because it was mostly pennies it isn't that bad. I think sivram came out on top taking both mine and chris' money, but I get solace in the fact that he wanted to play to get rid of pennies, but he just ended up with more.
I would also like to address Ronald Reagan's death. I know a lot of people strongly dislike him and his policies, but the man just died. I read/heard of away messages that said "good riddance ronald reagan" or "now ronald reagan can join his comrade Nixon." The man is dead. Let it rest for a while. Oh and regarding the Nixon comment, Nixon and Reagan did not care much for one another. Nixon feared Reagans conservatives taking over the party, which they eventually did. Maybe I am just being over sensitive about this whole thing. Whatever.