Today at work was the first day I did something that a well trained ape couldn't. Apparently there is something on the whitehouse website where you can submit questions and they will answer them - I'm not sure if they are published online or they just email you back. Our office was given four questions about the budget to answer and I was given one of them, probably the easiest out of the four. They then told me the name and extension of someone who could answer the question. I called them, got the answer, wrote the response, and they made very few edits - so that is good. I would just like to say that I hate calling people on the phone for work that I do not know. I get so flustered and nervous. I have to write out a mini script when I call people so I don't screw up what I have to say or studder too much. I also hate answering the phone. I am always afraid I am going to screw up and not ask the right info or something. I am not sure. Luckily my boss usually answers the phone. It is probably really bad that I work in a Communications office and hate talking on the phone. To quote SLC Punk

a movie that I saw for the first time in my hotel room in Cancun (I'm so lame that I go to Cancun to hang out in my hotelroom). Anyway, after Heroin Bob has just gone off on a long rant about the evils of drugs, specifically acid-
Stevo- "It really makes you think, doesn't it, Bob?"
Bob- "Think what?"
Stevo- "That chemistry's the WRONG FUCKING MAJOR FOR A GUY LIKE YOU. It's the wrong major, Bob."
Bob- "Well you shoud still lay off the acid."
I hope you got the connection. hmmmm, maybe its better that you didn't. Cause if you did, that means you are on the same wavelength as me and that probably is not a good thing.
Speaking of the totally obserd, check out this story

They are actually suing one another over lies about the candidates in commercials for a fake campaign to become the fake "President of Beers." God bless capitalism, free speech, the legal system, alcohol, and last but not least America.
The lesson we learn from all of this is: Never lie about the country of origin of the opposing beer in a campaign commercial for President of Beers, or more simply, stay off the hooch.