Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/31/2005 02:04 #23748
Posted from a mobile phone using p:mobl!12/30/2005 02:03 #23747
PSACategory: hygiene
just a little public service announcement...
First, I extend my deepest sympathy and empathy to those poor souls suffering from abscesses of any form, but especially gluteal/perirectal/buttock ones. They are excruciatingly painful, not to mention the humiliation of having 10 people examine your ass. Then you have to go through the painful, stinky procedure of having them drained. Not fun for anyone involved.
BUT, if for whatever reason you choose to wait until 1 am to come to the ER with ass pain- at least remove the shitballs that are dangling from your ass hairs.
Losing precious hours of sleep for ass pus is unpleasant enough without dingleberries getting in the way. Oh yeah, and don't wear underwear with skidmarks. Didn't anyone else's mom always yell about wearing clean underwear "in case you have an accident and end up in the emergency room" or was it just mine?
My apologies if anyone needs to go vomit now.
I am going to try to get some sleep.
First, I extend my deepest sympathy and empathy to those poor souls suffering from abscesses of any form, but especially gluteal/perirectal/buttock ones. They are excruciatingly painful, not to mention the humiliation of having 10 people examine your ass. Then you have to go through the painful, stinky procedure of having them drained. Not fun for anyone involved.
BUT, if for whatever reason you choose to wait until 1 am to come to the ER with ass pain- at least remove the shitballs that are dangling from your ass hairs.
Losing precious hours of sleep for ass pus is unpleasant enough without dingleberries getting in the way. Oh yeah, and don't wear underwear with skidmarks. Didn't anyone else's mom always yell about wearing clean underwear "in case you have an accident and end up in the emergency room" or was it just mine?
My apologies if anyone needs to go vomit now.
I am going to try to get some sleep.
imk2 - 12/30/05 08:38
Hee Hee, that is the funniest stuff I have heard in a long time!
Hee Hee, that is the funniest stuff I have heard in a long time!
12/27/2005 14:33 #23746
my crooked treeCategory: pix
12/27/2005 02:32 #23745
Merry Christmas to me!Category: venting
You probably shouldn't bother reading this, as I am just ranting and whining.
I am a resident. That means I have finished medical school. I have MD after my name. I.e. I can call myself Doctor. Residency is specialty training. When I finish residency, I will be an attending. So residents are sort of limbo doctors. We rechnically are doctors, but we're still in training. But we are the cheap labor of the medical field.
I work a 30hr shift every third night. I work 80-100 hrs per week. My hourly wage is barely over minimum wage. (but it's not like it matters since there's no time to spend the money anyway-ha.) I had christmas day off. I worked christmas eve, and I'm working overnight tonight. I have new year's eve off, but have to be at work at 6am on 1/1. But that's not what I'm complaining about. I love my job, and I knew what I was getting into when I started. Sure I get tired and I'll bitch and moan about the ER killing me, but at the end of the day, there's nothing I'd rather do. It's the coolest job in the world.
Just saw a kid in the ER. It's almost 2:30am. I have to start tomorrow's work at 4am. I'd love to get a little sleep in there. But on the way back from the ER, I went by the Doctors' Lounge, where there is a coffee machine. Not much else. A bathroom, a table, a couch, and a coffee machine. Only to be greeted by a big nasty sign saying that residents are no longer allowed in the Doctor's Lounge. Apparently they don't consider us doctors.
Apparently we drank too much coffee.
What a bunch of bullshit. I mean really. How much could that industrial food service coffee cost? say an extra $20/month. Is morale not worth anything? We practically LIVE in the fucking hospital. We do the lion's share of the work that keeps this place running. Along with the nurses. And we're no longer allowed the one little perk we had- a free cup of terrible coffee? There are tons of nurses' lounges. There is no "residents' lounge". Not like we have much lounge time, but I used to enjoy being able to take a 10 min to get a cup of coffee once or twice a week. And they don't think we are worth even that.
I am a resident. That means I have finished medical school. I have MD after my name. I.e. I can call myself Doctor. Residency is specialty training. When I finish residency, I will be an attending. So residents are sort of limbo doctors. We rechnically are doctors, but we're still in training. But we are the cheap labor of the medical field.
I work a 30hr shift every third night. I work 80-100 hrs per week. My hourly wage is barely over minimum wage. (but it's not like it matters since there's no time to spend the money anyway-ha.) I had christmas day off. I worked christmas eve, and I'm working overnight tonight. I have new year's eve off, but have to be at work at 6am on 1/1. But that's not what I'm complaining about. I love my job, and I knew what I was getting into when I started. Sure I get tired and I'll bitch and moan about the ER killing me, but at the end of the day, there's nothing I'd rather do. It's the coolest job in the world.
Just saw a kid in the ER. It's almost 2:30am. I have to start tomorrow's work at 4am. I'd love to get a little sleep in there. But on the way back from the ER, I went by the Doctors' Lounge, where there is a coffee machine. Not much else. A bathroom, a table, a couch, and a coffee machine. Only to be greeted by a big nasty sign saying that residents are no longer allowed in the Doctor's Lounge. Apparently they don't consider us doctors.
Apparently we drank too much coffee.
What a bunch of bullshit. I mean really. How much could that industrial food service coffee cost? say an extra $20/month. Is morale not worth anything? We practically LIVE in the fucking hospital. We do the lion's share of the work that keeps this place running. Along with the nurses. And we're no longer allowed the one little perk we had- a free cup of terrible coffee? There are tons of nurses' lounges. There is no "residents' lounge". Not like we have much lounge time, but I used to enjoy being able to take a 10 min to get a cup of coffee once or twice a week. And they don't think we are worth even that.
metalpeter - 12/27/05 20:23
I think all you residents need to fall asleep doing something that won't hurt a patient. If you can't stay mentally and physicaly awake then you are a danger to people who come in and need help. I smell lawsuit the hospital had better wake up before they get someone killed who could be saved because only "The Doctors" can have Coffee. But it sounds like you guys and gals are the ones who really need it. I get pissed off when any place marginalises some of the workers and it gets me upset. Grantend there is a negitive stigma attached to interns from paitents but the hospital shouldn't add to the problem, now you have me pissed off and ready to yell. I wish you best of luck.
I think all you residents need to fall asleep doing something that won't hurt a patient. If you can't stay mentally and physicaly awake then you are a danger to people who come in and need help. I smell lawsuit the hospital had better wake up before they get someone killed who could be saved because only "The Doctors" can have Coffee. But it sounds like you guys and gals are the ones who really need it. I get pissed off when any place marginalises some of the workers and it gets me upset. Grantend there is a negitive stigma attached to interns from paitents but the hospital shouldn't add to the problem, now you have me pissed off and ready to yell. I wish you best of luck.
ajay - 12/27/05 12:44
Residency seems more like a hazing ritual than an internship. It is mind-boggling that the hospital will skimp on a $20/month coffee. Could it be because the hospital doesn't foresee you folks working there after you finish? (Given their attitude, I don't blame you for wanting to get outta there ASAP).
Residency seems more like a hazing ritual than an internship. It is mind-boggling that the hospital will skimp on a $20/month coffee. Could it be because the hospital doesn't foresee you folks working there after you finish? (Given their attitude, I don't blame you for wanting to get outta there ASAP).
12/26/2005 22:23 #23744
headphonesCategory: tech
And now for something completely different...
In case there are any guys out there that read this, you are probably sick of hearing me bitch and moan about boys.
So I have a techno question for you.
I need some new headphones for my ipod, and much to my surprise my dad didn't get me any for christmas. (yes, I'm a spoiled brat daddy's girl. sorry.)
I am not a huge audiophile- i.e. the ones that it coems with SOUND ok to me, they're just uncomfortable and don't stay in my ears.
So I want something decent, but I don't need $300 headphones. But I don't want $2 pieces of crap either.
I had the Apple in-ear ones, and they were ok (and they matched, since that's SO important), but they didn't stay in that well either. And then they died- I only get side from the L now.
So, anyone have any suggestions?
I hear Shure is good... but I think pricey...
In case there are any guys out there that read this, you are probably sick of hearing me bitch and moan about boys.
So I have a techno question for you.
I need some new headphones for my ipod, and much to my surprise my dad didn't get me any for christmas. (yes, I'm a spoiled brat daddy's girl. sorry.)
I am not a huge audiophile- i.e. the ones that it coems with SOUND ok to me, they're just uncomfortable and don't stay in my ears.
So I want something decent, but I don't need $300 headphones. But I don't want $2 pieces of crap either.
I had the Apple in-ear ones, and they were ok (and they matched, since that's SO important), but they didn't stay in that well either. And then they died- I only get side from the L now.
So, anyone have any suggestions?
I hear Shure is good... but I think pricey...
shawnr - 12/27/05 13:33
Koss invented headphones, and they still make pretty good ones. I know that Sony makes some decent in-ear headphones that are white, too. Do you have a black or white ipod? I'm a fan of the in-ear headphones when in crowded places, but the around-the-back headphones for comfort. I've found that the $20-30 range is generally just fine, and I don't notice any significant increase in sound quality until I hit the $80-100 range.
Koss invented headphones, and they still make pretty good ones. I know that Sony makes some decent in-ear headphones that are white, too. Do you have a black or white ipod? I'm a fan of the in-ear headphones when in crowded places, but the around-the-back headphones for comfort. I've found that the $20-30 range is generally just fine, and I don't notice any significant increase in sound quality until I hit the $80-100 range.
that's redikulus! haha!
Spelling is not my forte but that one is unbelievable!