Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/10/2005 23:35 #23730
hometown boysCategory: out
I am working tomorrow. All my friends are going to the Bills/Pats game. I've never been to a game, I wish I could go. I console myself by knowing that at least I won't be freezing my ass off all day.
But so I was planning to have a nice quiet, early night tonight. Was all set to go get a christmas tree, then come home, make some mulled cider, play christmas carols and Get Festive, Dammit!
But first we had to eat something.
So we went to colter bay. Planned to wolf down a quick burger, then get to the serious work at hand.
But I saw a hummer limo parked outside- thought that might mean that the Santa Pub Crawl (including my ex) might be nearby. (I know they are out tonight.)
So we were eating at the bar, and this guy asks my friend where a good place is to go out. And I hear his accent and look over and see the Pats jersey, and have to ask where he's from. As I suspected, they were a bunch of good old RI boys in town for the game.
So we decided the tree can wait, and they bought us beers and sambuca and entertained us thoroughly for a few few hours. All the rhode island talk nearly made me homesick.
Fortunately my friend was there to keep me from going to frizzy's to say hi to the santas. My dignity thanks her. So will I when my alarm goes off in the AM, and I do not have a hangover.
So now it's off to bed.
Night everyone.
Enjoy your saturday night.
12/10/2005 01:34 #23729
U2Category: pix
Unfortunately I didn't think I'd be able to take a camera in, so all I had was my phone. Then of course they didn't check bags, so I could have taken my camera after all.
Oh well.
But it was an awesome show.
Got a little political at times.
But they did a lot of Lennon/Beatles tribute-y stuff which was cool.
I'd always heard they put on a good show- and they definitely do.
So glad I finally got to go.
Was anyone else there?

your pictures look pretty good from a sell phone. not to mention your seats seem close to the stage. which is good considering i saw them from behind the stage on level four of madison square garden in NYC. HDnet plays the chicago show from time to time in HD, which is cool to watch, and not as political as the buffalo show was. DT
12/09/2005 18:53 #23728
wow!!Category: u2
I've been asleep on the couch all day today since I was on call last night, and I almost didn't answer my phone when my friend called. But I did, and now I'm going to U2! I've always wanted to see them, but screwed up when the tickets went on sale and missed out. I think I owe him $200, but oh well, fuck it, only live once- it can be my christmas present.
:) :)
12/09/2005 11:24 #23727
Damn you Death Cab!Category: brokenhearted
Not sure if it's TOTALLY depressing, or has a little optimism in there somehow. I just hope they're right.
Bleh, breakups suck. Or rather, bad boyfriends suck.
But here's my song.
I'll share, in case anyone else out there wants to feel lonely and mopey.
I once knew a girl in the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer: all beauty and truth
But in the morning I fled, left a note and it read:
Someday you will be loved
And I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
'Cause each broken heart will eventually mend
Just as the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved you'll be loved
Like you never have known
And the memories of me will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs: like I never occurred
And someday you will be loved
You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And every time tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
And someday you will be loved
12/07/2005 13:16 #23726
Work crushCategory: boys
Saw my work crush again today.
So cute..
So nice..
So smart..
So funny..
So flirty..
So married..
and if you can recognize me by my eye, the drinks are on me.
You are the coolest, by the way. If you ever see a big, thuggish Northern European guy that looks similar to my avatar pic out at a bar don't be afraid to say hello - drink is on me.