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12/28/2006 08:20 #23713

Greed At The Top - Now It's Steve Jobs?
Category: politics
Interesting news this morning from the Financial Times:

What is especially shocking is the revelation that Apple is one of 160 companies who are in trouble for giving the executives extra-sweet deals on stock options. Of course, the company's board, knowing they did something wrong, said something to the effect of: "Well, he didn't benefit enough from it, so what's the big deal?" WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG.

Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit concerning the Russian polonium scandal:

When you get caught doing something bad, what do you do? Blame a Jew of course! How very European. No wonder the Israelis are suspicious of Europe.

12/27/2006 10:24 #23712

North American Union
Category: politics
Interesting Link:

I'm not sure if we'll see a NAU in my lifetime, but from where I sit the evidence points towards something like this happening inevitably.

Think about it for a moment - both the Democrats and the Republicans are doing whatever they can to ensure that US Citizenship means jack and shit. The Dems, and to a smaller degree (not by much) the Repubs as well, are advocating an open borders policy, and amnesty for the scum who willingly and knowingly break our laws. A Democratic candidate in San Diego went as far as to tell people how they can fool the system and vote, even if they aren't a Citizen (personally, it would be shocking to me if someone could pull it off, but then again maybe in San Diego it wouldn't be so shocking). As Mr. Corsi states, the current Administration is enhancing and furthering NAFTA, which by my estimation isn't so hot politically nowadays when plants move south of the border, costing Americans their livelihoods.

With a new Democratic Congress moving into place, we should probably see more movement in this direction, with the pseudo-liberal McCain and the uber-liberal Kennedy recently agreeing that US Citizenship is sort of overrated in their quest to reward people who give the USA the finger. At least it will be overt, rather than murky and hard to pin down for most of us.

Who is controlling this? Most of the buzz deals with the hopelessly misplaced "humanism" that is so popular in Liberal circles, and is championed by some Republican Moderates as well. We are well aware that Laws mean nothing. The real story though, and the thing that really does have the most impact for all of us, is the way Big Business has their hands around the throats of the Politicians, manipulating them into screwing hard working folks right here in the USA. I don't think there is a chance in Hell the Democrats are going to do anything substantial to fix this, although they will get in front of a Microphone and jabber on about how upset and enraged they are. Their pockets are lined with the same money.

How long will it be until the NAU is formalized? I'll take a stab - 50 years or so, because it is not a hot prospect politically, and because it will take some time to put the things in place economically and socially which will make it the obvious thing to do.

12/19/2006 16:57 #23711

Trump Left His Fucking Balls in Jersey
Category: potpourri
Yes, it's true! That coke-snorting (allegedly), underage binge drinking (allegedly), so-called role model Tara something or other gets to keep her Miss USA crown. Apparently the Miss USA pageant isn't about being a role model at all, and the bosses at the top are doing nothing but making excuses!

What the fuck is this now, the NFL?

The only logical and correct assumption to make is that Miss Powdernose is either a current or future Trump pole-greaser. Not that I expect little girls to start popping candy pills, drinking juice martinis or simulating a blow job on one of their dolls, but seriously, give me a fucking break Miss Tara, you're a sad joke of a role model now, and why should someone look up to you? Why would a little girl listen to you now?

I love the drink and the drugs as much as any degenerate like yourself Tara but I didn't get oodles of cash, nor did I get fame, or limitless opportunity in life for nothing else than being a pretty top notch cut of ass. So spare me the fucking excuses, and Trump, you fucking worm, where did your balls go? I didn't think the Miss USA pageant could get any lower until today.

You wouldn't let any of your executives get away with this shit, would you? Hell no you wouldn't. Your judgment is being clouded by the beauty and firmness of this southern whore. She's more fit to win the Blue Ribbon at the Lexington Cattle Show than Miss USA. Get a grip on your fucking franchise, Don!


12/01/2006 08:35 #23709

UFO Crashes in Siberia!
Category: aliens
Check it out:


12/19/2006 11:51 #23710

Comings and Goings
Category: potpourri
Oh, my beloved fan base, I have neglected you for so long.

There are so many things I want to write about, but it will probably take too many entries, and too much time. Just a few things I'm thinking about right now:

The thing with the new girl is going well, although I still have insecurities sneaking up on me, like what will she think when she knows I was in, ahem, "treatment" for various things, what will she think when she finds out I have depression, what will she think when she learns that I ruined my credit trying to maintain a relationship with Philly girl, you know, things like that. It's not that I'm purposefully hiding these things from her - they just have never come up, but this stuff sometimes causes some anxiety.

The new job is going well. I'm doing fine. Things are rolling along, and my financial situation is getting better, although I've been very impatient. Once you get a taste of money you begin to like it, and I don't care if you're an all out capitalist pig or a red commie, you like having more money in your pocket. So far as much as the job is concerned I am very happy. At first I was a little miffed that Roswell never even sent me a "Fuck you, we hate you, goodbye" e-mail, which is extraordinarily unprofessional, actually shockingly so, not to mention that I know I was a good candidate. In the end though I am happy because I know I ended in a situation that fits me perfectly, and I'm making just as much cash.

Yes, of course, one political tidbit to think about. A british "lord", and no I won't capitalize it you fucking pagans, sent an open letter to two of our Senators (Snowe and Rockefeller) rebuking them for telling Exxon to stop funding scientists who are skeptical of AGW. The link to the article is here:

- At first I was pissed off that some bloke is trying to tell us how to run our government. After all the British have plenty of things to worry about, like London becoming one of the seats of the new ummah.

- Then I realized, wait a second, this bloke is absolutely right. What the hell business do Snowe and Rockefeller have trying to tell ANYONE what they can't and can't fund, no matter how unpopular it may be? The lad is right, this is entirely undemocratic. I suppose Snowe and Rockefeller are going to immediately write to people and start asking they stop funding the AGW zealots, yeah? This is the real problem with Climate Science - it isn't science itself, which always evolves and changes and corrects itself, rather the insidious way that politicos creep in and demand that science come to the conclusion that fits their politics. Now, what of the funding? If you're going to do something with the funding, you do it across the board, you don't single people out. I don't think it's good that special interests fund the science, because they will always demand that they get something for their money, and I don't care who it is, Exxon or someone on the other side. The politics and the money have absolutely ruined this for us, and there is far too much at stake to have reinvented fuckups like Al Gore, or sitting Senators, or friggin ExxonMobil of all organizations to stick their noses into it.

Lock the scientists in a room, only allow them funding that Congress will approve, have the process be entirely transparent, and let the scientists hash it out.