I hope everyone has a fantastic day celebrating our Nation's independence from Britain. I love being #1.
Jason's Journal
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07/04/2005 12:55 #23507
Independence Day07/02/2005 21:32 #23506
The Right Invades The PinkNo, perverts, we aren't going out trolling for chicks tonight. The inimitable, utterly adorable duo of Joshy and I will be at the Pink late tonight getting some crunk in our system. See you there! Or maybe not.
07/01/2005 10:53 #23505
Sandra Day O'Connor Retires!Let the FUN begin!
06/30/2005 10:16 #23504
War of the WorldsAhh....is there anything that getting laid won't fix? After my less than happy day I went home and talked to some people, eventually landing a movie date. I went to see War of the Worlds with her. I'm not really a movie snob....I take things for what they are, not what they could or should be in my mind or any other fool's. I actually liked it - the destruction brought by the aliens was unimaginable. They literally hunt down humans on a mass scale. It was not an action movie, instead more of a thriller. It was pretty scary as far as movies go. I won't ruin it for sci fi dorks like me. From what I understand it is different than the book in some ways, but I'm not a purist so I'm not complaining. It was a very entertaining night that had a "happy ending" as it were. I had a great time and hopefully things will just continue to be this way.
06/30/2005 01:34 #23503
Rhonda and I Trade BarbsHer:
"Quit being such a drama queen. I'm glad things are
> going well for you -
> enjoy it - I wish nothing but good times for you,
> but you don't have to bring me
> down with your IM's. I've had quite a bit on my
> plate lately, so sorry if I
> didn't jump and write right back. My dad had skin
> cancer, my mom has been
> undergoing testing for ovarian cancer and just had
> surgery, my boyfriend had
> his thyroid removed because of cancerous nodules
> and now this week I've
> developed pleurisy. Life can be tough enough
> without biting comments from
> friends. "See you in the afterlife" Rhonda "
" It's not drama, it's common courtesy and respect. you've never respected me, all I wanted was a simple "hello" and over the course of MONTHs, considering you're always online, it was never too much to ask for. I don't care about your boyfriend's cancer or your pleurisy. A while ago I might have showered you with good wishes and prayers. You should have never written back. You've never reached out to me so I'm not losing anything. Good bye"
I can be a cold blooded son of a bitch when provoked. She wouldn't even bother to write to me until I got pissed off at her. She thinks she's fucking perfect and without fault, and immediately goes into attack mode, just like a female always does, when someone approaches her with a problem. I don't need people in my life who don't respect me, or who are going to fake like they're my friends when in reality they won't give me the time of day. Fuck her, fuck her boyfriend's cancer and fuck her fucking pleurisy. Bad shit does indeed happen to bad people on occasion. I do, however, feel immeasurably bad for her parents, who are loving and sweet people. They will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight
Update: more blah blah blah what did I ever do to deserve this from her, so I said I thought I told you good bye? You were never my friend, you ignored me time after time when I needed you the most, now buzz off" #$^#$^#^@^@^$%
"Quit being such a drama queen. I'm glad things are
> going well for you -
> enjoy it - I wish nothing but good times for you,
> but you don't have to bring me
> down with your IM's. I've had quite a bit on my
> plate lately, so sorry if I
> didn't jump and write right back. My dad had skin
> cancer, my mom has been
> undergoing testing for ovarian cancer and just had
> surgery, my boyfriend had
> his thyroid removed because of cancerous nodules
> and now this week I've
> developed pleurisy. Life can be tough enough
> without biting comments from
> friends. "See you in the afterlife" Rhonda "
" It's not drama, it's common courtesy and respect. you've never respected me, all I wanted was a simple "hello" and over the course of MONTHs, considering you're always online, it was never too much to ask for. I don't care about your boyfriend's cancer or your pleurisy. A while ago I might have showered you with good wishes and prayers. You should have never written back. You've never reached out to me so I'm not losing anything. Good bye"
I can be a cold blooded son of a bitch when provoked. She wouldn't even bother to write to me until I got pissed off at her. She thinks she's fucking perfect and without fault, and immediately goes into attack mode, just like a female always does, when someone approaches her with a problem. I don't need people in my life who don't respect me, or who are going to fake like they're my friends when in reality they won't give me the time of day. Fuck her, fuck her boyfriend's cancer and fuck her fucking pleurisy. Bad shit does indeed happen to bad people on occasion. I do, however, feel immeasurably bad for her parents, who are loving and sweet people. They will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight
Update: more blah blah blah what did I ever do to deserve this from her, so I said I thought I told you good bye? You were never my friend, you ignored me time after time when I needed you the most, now buzz off" #$^#$^#^@^@^$%
jason - 06/30/05 01:34
Thanks Ladycroft. I horribly regret saying that I didn't care about the cancer or the pleurisy, the truth is there are no limits to how much I care. The rest of it still stands, and she did write back to me but I never read it, just deleted it ASAP. I was sick of being ignored and treated like a nobody, especially when I was hurting and reached out. I'll feel better about this in the morning.
Thanks Ladycroft. I horribly regret saying that I didn't care about the cancer or the pleurisy, the truth is there are no limits to how much I care. The rest of it still stands, and she did write back to me but I never read it, just deleted it ASAP. I was sick of being ignored and treated like a nobody, especially when I was hurting and reached out. I'll feel better about this in the morning.
ladycroft - 06/29/05 20:26
Spot on. The moment you tag someone with the truth they don their armor and begin defensive maneuvers. Respect is a word missing from many people’s vocabulary these days. She new she was grimy, but rather than be held accountable for her actions, she did the only thing she knew how to do – retaliate. Busting out a guilt trip is the weapon of choice for most, but it’s a weak. It’s not like all these events occurred overnight. A simple, “Hey, I’m wicked drained right now, we’ll talk later” would have prevented. So you called her out, bravo. Ciao.
Spot on. The moment you tag someone with the truth they don their armor and begin defensive maneuvers. Respect is a word missing from many people’s vocabulary these days. She new she was grimy, but rather than be held accountable for her actions, she did the only thing she knew how to do – retaliate. Busting out a guilt trip is the weapon of choice for most, but it’s a weak. It’s not like all these events occurred overnight. A simple, “Hey, I’m wicked drained right now, we’ll talk later” would have prevented. So you called her out, bravo. Ciao.
Not my idea of fun. It's a disaster.