Hi ____
I read your message and can understand what you're going through. I don't really know what to say other than, I don't really know
(e:vycious) except through some friends and now estrip, so it's hard for me to gauge the situation. I can see that you're hurt and I see that he's pissed, and I know that the both of you have two different takes on the same story. I am not on anyone's side. However, the one thing that I have learned as a woman throughout the years, is that when, in the beginning, a man tells you that he does not want a relationship, regardless of how things proceed or what feelings develop, you, the woman, will end up getting hurt in the end. I have learned to take things at face value when it comes to men, and decided that I will not set out to prove them differently or help them change their minds. Doing that, I have found, usually backfires in the end.
I was dating a guy last year, one of
(e:vycious) ' friends, who initially, said that he wanted nothing more than a sexual
more relationship. He made it clear that he did not want a girlfriend, did not want to fall in love, wanted to see other people, etc. I said fine, no problem. But secretly, as most of us girls do, I hoped that somewhere down the line he might change his mind and so I started a relationship of sorts, and waited to see where it would go.
Well, he did change his mind. He did decide that he wanted to make me his girlfriend, he did say he fell in love with me, he did want to be monogamous. So we began officially dating, albeit, somewhat cautiously. I didn't put much hope into the relationship, because I remembered what he initially said to me, and I surely was not going to put all my eggs in one basket. And guess what? I'm glad I didn't, because after about 4 months of official dating, he dumped me. His excuse was that he didn't get to see me enough, and that he felt like he was in a full time relationship with a part time girlfriend and he just could not go on like that. In reality, what had happened was that he realized once again that he DID NOT want a girlfriend after all, DID NOT want to be in a committed relationship and DID NOT love me the way he thought he did.
Can't say I didn't see it coming so maybe that is why I didn't shed too many tears or waste any time moping around by being depressed, but it did reconfirm for me the fact that what a guy says to you initially, is probably what he really means and that no matter how much you wish and hope that things will change, they probably will not.
I hope things work out for you. If not with vycious, then with someone who will want to be with you and appreciate you completely. I know that it's a little too late for this situation to use the advice I've given here, but think about it for future relationships. Don't waste your time on people who are wishy washy and indecisive. Focus your energies on relationships that are open, caring, trust worthy and honest.
I wish you luck on whatever you decide.
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that reminds me i need to catch up on movies game sand house work