Jason's post [inlink]jason,286[/inlink] has inspired me to post.
In college I too had a secret crush. Well really I always have secret crushes, but in college I was very smitten. It was a super hottie in a frat who was one of the only Latino men I had ever seen. Now I know you are saying ew frat boy, but my crush developed because he was not the typical frat boy. He was smart, kind, caring, a bunch of fun and unlike aNYthing I had ever encountered. And there I was this farm girl from upstate ny that loved hot pink and all things techno.
I first saw Louis in one of my poli sci classes- we were the same major- during my first semester freshman year. Turns out he was one of my friends roommates. So over the course of the next few years me and Louis developed a friendship of sorts. We'd study together for finals every year. Our traditional celebration at the end of finals was a blunt and a 40. He'd wake me up for class, I'd let him borrow my Clinique moisturizer, one time i let him do my eyebrows. One year I made pink and white cupcakes for valentines day wrapped them up, put them in front of his door, knocked and ran. He never knew who did it, and he never suspected me because he offered me one. But we never really ran w the same crowd. During all this time his mother passed away. Watching him handle that with such bravery just made me think he was amazing.
So my senior year of college my friend Lisa and I were talking. She told me I should just make a move. I went though all the reasons I couldn't. She then looked at me and said "when you are 30 looking back do you ever want to think what if, and regret anything?" That did it for me. The next night I made a move and me and Louis hooked up for the remainder of the semester, which was only a month. The entire 4 1/2 years I was at school he had no idea who I felt about him.
I guess what I'm trying to say Jason is don't be a pussy- just take life by the balls and go for it. You'll be glad you did.
And for that great bit of advice I'd like a puggle puppy in return.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/30/2005 14:43 #22731
No regretsCategory: secret crush
11/28/2005 10:44 #22730
Sarah Ho call me when you wake up11/22/2005 14:12 #22729
What I'm giving my mom for xmasCategory: christmas
I have found the best gift ever:

you upload a picture of whatever and this company makes them into legit usps stamps. I'm using my user pic and giving her a sheet of stamps with my picture. Thats awesome.
One year for mothers day I gave her a mug with a picture of me on it from college. She didn't find it as funny as I did.
I can't wait to see her expression as she realizes that this is her gift.

you upload a picture of whatever and this company makes them into legit usps stamps. I'm using my user pic and giving her a sheet of stamps with my picture. Thats awesome.
One year for mothers day I gave her a mug with a picture of me on it from college. She didn't find it as funny as I did.
I can't wait to see her expression as she realizes that this is her gift.
11/21/2005 16:50 #22728
My mom might be nutsCategory: crazy moms
So my mom has been acting tres odd lately. I'm not sure what to make of it. Really I think she is going through some sort of life change or something.
I re-arranged my shoebox/apartment this weekend. I still did not clean. Basically I can do everything but clean. I think Im allergic to cleaning. I wish I just had a wife my life would be soo much easier.
ok thats all for now.
Oh and I want a Puggle. I want one with all my heart. They are so cute. If I had a boyfriend and he bought me a Puggle for Christmas that would be the best christmas ever.
I re-arranged my shoebox/apartment this weekend. I still did not clean. Basically I can do everything but clean. I think Im allergic to cleaning. I wish I just had a wife my life would be soo much easier.
ok thats all for now.
Oh and I want a Puggle. I want one with all my heart. They are so cute. If I had a boyfriend and he bought me a Puggle for Christmas that would be the best christmas ever.
11/17/2005 09:49 #22727
SnowCategory: snow
All those snow pictures do not make me want to go back to Buffalo. Im cold just thinking about it.
My current manicure has lasted the longest any manicure has ever lasted w/o chipping. 6 days.
Last night I found a $2 metrocard. I really believe this is my special skill. I always find metro cards w money left on them. I'll give it to (e:lilho) when she comes out here. Thats all she is getting from me $2. Just kidding Sarah, I'll buy you one thing from the clearance rack at H&M too, as long as its $1.99 and under.
Tonight Im going to the theatre. I love saying that.
Oh and it's not snowing here.
My current manicure has lasted the longest any manicure has ever lasted w/o chipping. 6 days.
Last night I found a $2 metrocard. I really believe this is my special skill. I always find metro cards w money left on them. I'll give it to (e:lilho) when she comes out here. Thats all she is getting from me $2. Just kidding Sarah, I'll buy you one thing from the clearance rack at H&M too, as long as its $1.99 and under.
Tonight Im going to the theatre. I love saying that.
Oh and it's not snowing here.
OMG I am soo jealous, at least you can play w him. Do you know how much it cost? They are a grand here and I just cant swing that for a doggie...
The family i work for just got a Pet Puppy Puggle, named Pip. He's very cute, if i could get a dog a puggle would be way at the top of the list.