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Hodown's Journal

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12/05/2005 13:46 #22736

Category: moron
If you are bored out of your mind and are looking for some good old fashioned laughing at the expense of someone else please go to:

Read his hate list.

This guy was on Real World Chicago. Need I say more?

12/04/2005 16:41 #22735

I dont care what anyone says
Category: puggle
Im still getting one

12/03/2005 16:11 #22734

Category: thinking
Would it mean that I'm a failure if I gave up on New York? What is the cost benefit of living here versus living near those that really mean the most to me? Maybe I don't have to constantly prove that I can succeed beyond everyone else. Maybe being me is just simply enough. For the first time ever I think I have realized that this all stems from having a father that abandoned me. No matter what I did or how hard I tried he still left.

Thank god I'm going to go hang out with the Irish hottie, otherwise I might sit here and continue to drink this bottle of Champagne...
paul - 12/04/05 16:55
PS. If you meant moving to Arizona, then you should stay in NY.
paul - 12/04/05 16:55
You should just move here. If you wait any longer we are going to have to start a retirement home for all of us.

12/02/2005 12:14 #22733

Very Quickly
Category: photos
Very quickly Id like to post some pics. They are of the crazy night in Brooklyn and the first taste of Soul Sausages.







The guy in the picture we don't know, it was my sisters off the street boyfriend. I'll leave it to her to post a full run down of that night.

Some sample highlights are:

"Small Cups of liquor"- how sarah described what me and matt were drinking.

Soul Sausage

Playing with the ipod nano

Bocce Ball- yes at this bar we went to

"I'm so drunk"- what I said about every 10 minutes- annoying I know

My sisters sidewalk boyfriend who turned into our new friend

The "log cabin" bar

Once at the log cabin bar things get really hazy- however we did get an amazing $5 cab ride from Brooklyn to the PATH train which is unheard of. I think they guy took pity on me and my sister at 5am. And the next day I woke up at 4pm- yeah I wanted to die.

12/01/2005 16:08 #22732

Category: puggle
I just googled "Puggle+Buffalo" and my journal is the third hit. Scary. I am so in love with these dogs.
jacob - 12/01/05 17:40
Proof you are obsessed!