who constantly wonder why I am broke even though I make a great salary by Buffalo standards please read:
I had so much fun in Buffalo. I am really glad I went home for the weekend. Can everyone just move to NYC so we can have fun here?
In response to Paul's comment about my trying to bite off his mangle nail like a rabid dog. I see it more as an (E:strip) community service. No one wants that thing around.
Death Cab for Cutie tonight. I am excited. I am sure cute boys will be all over there.
On another note go to www.wearescientists.com This band is playing B'lo soon. The drummer is a former banker- how can you go wrong with a band like that? Seriously they are really good and I insist that you support my friends.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/19/2005 13:26 #22720
For all you fuckersCategory: potpourri
10/14/2005 09:43 #22719
Special Guest AppearanceCategory: guest apperances
Everyone better put on their Sunday best because I am making a special guest apperance at lilho's bday bash.
10/13/2005 15:59 #22718
I'd like it to rain some more pleaseCategory: weather
I love getting to work and being soggy. Even more than that I love going out, an activity that should include me looking sexy, and being drenched and having water soaked pants. Please god pour some more rain on nyc.
On a brighter note I think my luck maybe changing (knock on wood).
On a brighter note I think my luck maybe changing (knock on wood).
leetee - 10/13/05 17:16
knocking on wood for ya!
knocking on wood for ya!
10/11/2005 22:18 #22717
So far so goodIn order to end my string of bad karma/luck/wrath of the gods yesterday I bought some apples and scurried home. I went inside, locked the door, spent some special time with maria, watched tv and went to bed. This morning I awoke with baited breath to see if something was going to fall on me.
Well now I am at work, my dry cleaning dropped off, sitting at my desk. So far so good.
Apparently Jamies sausages are a hit. I guess you really can't go wrong combining soul with sausage.
Well now I am at work, my dry cleaning dropped off, sitting at my desk. So far so good.
Apparently Jamies sausages are a hit. I guess you really can't go wrong combining soul with sausage.
10/11/2005 22:13 #22716
Gotta have Soul and Sausage combinedWell my friend Jamie- and I use the term friend loosely has this little side business its Soul Sausage. It's sausage sold out of his home in Park Slope. If you live in the 5 boroughs you get free delivery if you order $30 worth of sausage, welle xcept for Staten island- as Jamie says "fuck Staten island".
Check it out here:
Also (e:lilho) used to have calligraphy as a hobby. Thats funny. It was lovely as shesays.
Check it out here:
Also (e:lilho) used to have calligraphy as a hobby. Thats funny. It was lovely as shesays.
SCORE!!! See you there! We better party hard like back when I was 13 and you held me down and made me do drugs and drink alcohol. haha
hey i can't wait to finally meet you!