Since (e:paul) decided to try and trash me via his little dramatic story I have a few of my own to tell...
Let's see I'll begin with one of my personal favorites:
Paul a long long time ago decided to go to school in Germany. As a good and faithful girlfriend (key word faithfull- but we can come back to that) I wrote him all the time, sent him care packages and called him non stop. So when he was returning home after a year of not seeing him I was beside myself I was so happy. Well he comes home and the first full day he was home we decide to go hiking. And as always when we'd go hiking we took a little tab 'o acid. So la de da we are hiking, Im in love and happy. We sit down on this overhang, the sun is setting- ahhhh its so nice. Then just as I am peaking and happy Paul casually says I don't thing we should date anymore. So let's recap- Im in love, tripping on acid, peaking on acid, just had waited a entire year for him to come home, first day he is back he just mentions he does not want to date anymore.
Can anyone see why maybe just maybe I'd be a little pissed off at Saint Paul with the food posioning?
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/17/2005 10:37 #22710
In my defenseCategory: paul sucks
08/16/2005 20:44 #22709
If...So Im sitting here watching the Teen Awards. And all the sudden I think "you know if I was black I would for sure be like Eve. I just feel like somhow that would be." Then Mariah carey wins some award, then all the sudden I realize "ooooohh no, actually I would really be her (crazy, dramatic, had an affair with Ememen -sp?)-damn"
Thats kinda sad...
Thats kinda sad...
metalpeter - 08/16/05 20:06
Not a fan of EVE's music but she sure is sexy. I don't know who is performing other then simple plan. I saw them at warped tour a few years ago they where very good.
Not a fan of EVE's music but she sure is sexy. I don't know who is performing other then simple plan. I saw them at warped tour a few years ago they where very good.
08/15/2005 09:29 #22708
Updates:Category: piece of shit men
Ok folks here is a quick snaphot of my life:
Discovered Thomas is not only married but also looking. As in looking for other people besides myself. Great. So I am having a bit of a freak out over that. Ok more than a bit. Let's just say Valium is my little yellow friend.
Got Death Cab for Cutie tickets. Sweet! It's in October so I have a long wait, but it's worth it.
Still have the sniffles. I think my cold has been prolonged after my 3 consecutive days of partying after I discovered Thomas is not only married, but also looking.
Got my first Fresh Direct delivery. Finally they deliver in JC. There were a few problems with the delivery, as (e:lilho) can testify about. But, it sure beats carrying groceries home.
Did I happen to mention Thomas is not only married, but also looking?
Discovered Thomas is not only married but also looking. As in looking for other people besides myself. Great. So I am having a bit of a freak out over that. Ok more than a bit. Let's just say Valium is my little yellow friend.
Got Death Cab for Cutie tickets. Sweet! It's in October so I have a long wait, but it's worth it.
Still have the sniffles. I think my cold has been prolonged after my 3 consecutive days of partying after I discovered Thomas is not only married, but also looking.
Got my first Fresh Direct delivery. Finally they deliver in JC. There were a few problems with the delivery, as (e:lilho) can testify about. But, it sure beats carrying groceries home.
Did I happen to mention Thomas is not only married, but also looking?
leetee - 08/16/05 22:00
Sounds like this Thomas guy is a jerk.. you deserve better. Of course, that is merely my judgement call as a monogamous married woman, so what the heck do i know?
Sounds like this Thomas guy is a jerk.. you deserve better. Of course, that is merely my judgement call as a monogamous married woman, so what the heck do i know?
08/11/2005 19:24 #22707
Girl CrushAs many of you know I am obsessed with my hair dresser. I always called it my non-sexual crush. Apparently the proper name for this is a "Girl Crush" as defined by the NY Times. They coined the phrase Metrosexual so Im going with the phrase "girl Crush" from now on.
Here read about it:
Also I am sick as a dog with a cold. Anyone want to come make me soup?
Here read about it:

Also I am sick as a dog with a cold. Anyone want to come make me soup?
joshua - 08/11/05 19:24
Girl crush? Thats hot. I make a mean chunky style minestrone... but chicken noodle is always good!
Girl crush? Thats hot. I make a mean chunky style minestrone... but chicken noodle is always good!
08/08/2005 11:46 #22706
RwandaWith my netflix subscription I rented Hotel Rwanda. I highly recommend it to everyone. I vaguely remember this event happening, but never thinking much of it. To see the movie has really affected me. To quickly recap hat happened read below:
The Rwandan conflict of the 1990s marked one of the bloodiest chapters in recent African history. The genocide was made all the more tragic by the fact that most of the world chose to ignore the conflict and the plight of the Rwandan people. While occasional reports about "tribal warfare" in Rwanda were carried by international news agencies, the horror of the conflict, instead of causing international outrage, seemed to be written off as another "third world incident" and not worthy of attention.
Over the course of 100 days, almost one million people were killed in Rwanda. The streets of the capital city of Kigali ran red with rivers of blood, but no one came to help. There was no international intervention in Rwanda, no expeditionary forces, no coalition of the willing. There was no international aid for Rwanda. Rwanda's Hutu extremists slaughtered their Tutsi neighbors and any moderate Hutus who stood in their way, and the world left them to it.
Amidst the horrendous violence and chaos that swept the country, one of the many heroes to emerge was Paul Rusesabagina, an ordinary man who, out of love and compassion, managed to save the lives of 1268 people.
In part of the movie this man Paul ( a real life person) can not believe how the entire world has deserted Rwanda. The UN pulls out, foreign troops come in but only evacuate their own people. He stands there while troops are rescuing everyone but them and a journalists says to Paul that people will see what is happening on the news say it is awful and go back to eating their dinner. Repeatedly the US denied that genocide was taking place. In a matter of 100 days one million people were slaughtered. I don't use the word killed because when someone cuts you up with a machete you are not simply killed. I will never understand how this kind of hate can exist in someone.
The Rwandan conflict of the 1990s marked one of the bloodiest chapters in recent African history. The genocide was made all the more tragic by the fact that most of the world chose to ignore the conflict and the plight of the Rwandan people. While occasional reports about "tribal warfare" in Rwanda were carried by international news agencies, the horror of the conflict, instead of causing international outrage, seemed to be written off as another "third world incident" and not worthy of attention.
Over the course of 100 days, almost one million people were killed in Rwanda. The streets of the capital city of Kigali ran red with rivers of blood, but no one came to help. There was no international intervention in Rwanda, no expeditionary forces, no coalition of the willing. There was no international aid for Rwanda. Rwanda's Hutu extremists slaughtered their Tutsi neighbors and any moderate Hutus who stood in their way, and the world left them to it.
Amidst the horrendous violence and chaos that swept the country, one of the many heroes to emerge was Paul Rusesabagina, an ordinary man who, out of love and compassion, managed to save the lives of 1268 people.
In part of the movie this man Paul ( a real life person) can not believe how the entire world has deserted Rwanda. The UN pulls out, foreign troops come in but only evacuate their own people. He stands there while troops are rescuing everyone but them and a journalists says to Paul that people will see what is happening on the news say it is awful and go back to eating their dinner. Repeatedly the US denied that genocide was taking place. In a matter of 100 days one million people were slaughtered. I don't use the word killed because when someone cuts you up with a machete you are not simply killed. I will never understand how this kind of hate can exist in someone.
I congratulate Paul on his timing! Haha. Naturally you might have been too high to be pissed right away at the time, but you have to admit that this is a good story in retrospect.
Your the best! I was laughing so much. And looking at your expression in your pic is a perfect finish to the entry!