I am so f'ing sick of not being in a comfortable climate. In the subway its so hot you want to die, but because my office is so cold I can't stand it I am in pants. There is no happy medium.
On a happier note I cleaned my keyboard at work for the first time in a year. Finally I found some unguarded Office Duster Spray. Everyplace I have ever worked they guard this stuff like it's gold. Why? In any case I snagged the can and cleaned the heck out of my key board. It was so dirty and gross there was an actual dust bunny stuck in the keys. I wish I had a camera phone so I could have taken a picture of it.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/04/2005 17:53 #22704
My Office08/04/2005 16:20 #22703
What is this new category?Paul I request you stop making the site so advanced I have no idea what this shit is!
Thanks- JKH
Thanks- JKH
jason - 08/04/05 16:20
Categories are used so you can group certain journals dealing with the same topic. Your categories will show up above your links. That way if someone wants to know how you feel about movies, or music, or politics, whatever...they can just click on the category and choose from all of your journals that deal with the topic you want to see.
Categories are used so you can group certain journals dealing with the same topic. Your categories will show up above your links. That way if someone wants to know how you feel about movies, or music, or politics, whatever...they can just click on the category and choose from all of your journals that deal with the topic you want to see.
08/03/2005 15:47 #22702
Wanna fun t?T-shirts are all the rage now. Stores here actually sell limited edition ts for $600. Cra-gee... Anyways since I'm such a hip chick I'm going to share my secret t-shirt shop w y'all: 
Its WAY better than urban outfitters and you'll be ahead of the fashion curve in no time.

Its WAY better than urban outfitters and you'll be ahead of the fashion curve in no time.
joshua - 08/03/05 15:47
My personal fav's - "South Korea's got Seoul" and "Jersey girls ain't trash. (trash gets picked up)" HA!
My personal fav's - "South Korea's got Seoul" and "Jersey girls ain't trash. (trash gets picked up)" HA!
08/02/2005 16:15 #22701
OMGOk so part of my complete cluelessness about this site manifested itself in not knowing about the whole comments section. People can actually leave comments in this little section about what you post. Who the heck would have ever thought?! So I appologize if you have ever left me a comment and I never responded- I had NO idea! So yea for comments. I'm going to go read all my comments from start to finish :)
I read a story on line that you can get HI on it. It can cause frost bite. It has Propellant in it i guess it is simalur to the coolent in fridges that is why the can is cold or gets cold after use. But I'm guessing they may also lock it up so people don't steal it and use it at there house, is it expesive?
You need a camera phone!!