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07/12/2005 00:18 #21353

beach glass
beach glass lying in
the surf
clear, green, blue, amber
jagged, broken edges softened
rounded, smooth
like pieces of stained glass
washed ashore from far away
castles, cathedrals in dreams
I can only imagine, as I gaze
out upon the horizon, little children
silhouetted in the summer haze laugh
and play at ocean's edge
I hold in my hand, beach glass,
dreams and hopes,
of which are my gifts to you

07/10/2005 16:45 #21352

the taste
so its the taste of buffalo, i am so jealous of all of you people who get to enjoy the great weekend!!! wish i could be there too! i saw from some of the pictures posted that the weather is great for the taste. couple of my friends from albany went out to buffalo for the event. tomorrow i plan to get to the beach for sunrise. it is supposed to be another beautiful day here. well thats all today. thought i would have more, but just not in the mood to write anything

07/11/2005 23:27 #21351

well it was nice to see someone actually reading my post. i would like to make a correction. I did not mean that only independents are able to come up to their ownl conclusions. that was not what i meant to put out there. however i do feel lableing yourself left/right is a part of the current crisis our nation is facing. it was good to hear from you jason. thanks
codypomeray - 07/11/05 23:27
i have seen how many views my posts have had, it was just cool to get some feedback. the site is great!!
paul - 07/09/05 09:13
Of course people read your posts, just look at how many views you have proportional to how many entries. Right now it looks like you wrote 41 entries and they have been viewed 1635 times by people other than you. That doesn't even include people that read it on rss feed.
jason - 07/08/05 20:13
You know what, I think you make a very good point. We are divided by a number of factors, race, economics, political thought, I could go on and on. The politicians take advantage of those differences and exploit them, pitting American against American. Tin foil cap types on both ends echo these statements, fueling the fire and intensifying the divisions. Moderates, or anyone who is willing to find common ground are considered dangerous, wishy washy, and unacceptable. I want reasoned, civil debate - not with the goal of proving someone right and someone wrong, nor with intent to belittle someone else. I admit I fall into this mode on occasion, probably not as much as others.

07/08/2005 15:35 #21350

the saloon
i sit in the glow of the bar
miles away from myself
looking through the bottom of each bottle

07/08/2005 15:10 #21349

have at it haus
hope everyone has fun with that last post
jason - 07/08/05 15:10
I would also argue that "Independent" media is not exactly independent in thought - generally enslaved to the ideology of the radical left.
jason - 07/08/05 15:03
Believe it or not, you don't need to be "labeled" independent to come up to your own conclusions. I , and I assume my friends on the left also, come to our conclusions based on a number of factors, our life experience, etc etc. I tend to lean to the left on most social issues, not exactly the type of person that the Republican Party would want as a candidate. Because someone says they are generally left or right, does not mean that they are brainwashed by either party. That's a very poor assumption to make.