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Codypomeray's Journal

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07/06/2005 00:46 #21345

summer's charms
i just love summer. parties going deep into the nite on friends porches, underneath street lites, inbetween the glow of citronella candles illuminating the rings of sweat on tables from big red cups. of day long, weekend long sojourns to the beach watching children skip with glee along the oceans edge, wagons of balls, frisbees, wiffle bats, umbrellas, coolers and beach chairs being pulled through the sand, while that prime piece of time eroded is picked in earnest. sometimes staying o'er nite on the sands, waking up to the crash of the surf, the hand full of surfers paddling out on the green waters. other times the day ending, shuffling down streets among the bungalows in flip flops and sandals the soft aroma of coconut tanning lotion, sun baked skin and sea breeze in hair. these nite's falling across the din of revelers on these said porches, retiring to rooms, where windows welcome the nite's breeze dancing dancing with curtains waving silent o'er naked bodies warm from the day's sun. long car rides through winding country roads passing fruit and vegetable stands that are guarded by lonely tractors, sitting rusted, mute in tall sun bleached grasses. destinations reached, stretching legs and arms, giving gifts of wine, beer, casseroles, dips, being ushered into backyard, patios where mouths oiled with drinks of considerable influence talk of work, gossip, big important purchases, friends and acquaintances not in attendance. the smell of charcoal burning and the sizzle of hot dogs, chicken, sausages, burgers, clams.

06/30/2005 20:00 #21344

Show me the money
Well the calls are rolling in now. people wantin me to come interview. yeah bitches i knew it would happen soon. timing couldn't have been better. a new job to start the summer with, hopefully a lot of cash in my pocket to have fun with. delicious. talked to haikuster yesterday, well texted actually. it was good hearing from her. talked about our 4th of july plans. she will be watching the firecrackers over the pacific, and i will be watching them over the atlantic. my head is all over the place, as you can probably guess from the past few entries. my girlfirend and i broke up. it sucks, especially because i am going to run into her most of the time when i am in LOng Beach. its not a big place, and everyone knows everyone and their business. but hopefully if i get this job in manhattan, i will be able to spend more time in the city. its an IT Recruiter position. something i know nothing about, but i have an advantage, the woman who did my interview is from Rochester, and she saw that i went to school there at St John Fisher, and the guy i am meeting with next wednesday went to school in good ole B-Lo. People who went to school upstate just love meeting other people from upstate. it really is a sort of magical place. hahaha.

06/28/2005 23:53 #21343

eye on the prize
never really thought the depth of "Keep your eyes on the road" until just now,
listening to Bob seger, and washing the the salt down with some of the silver bullet. i actually had looked away from the road, the place that has been like a blanket, while i have not traveled it the way i want in any stretch of the imagination, the idea of it is comforting. its calling me. as we approach our birthday as a nation, we are a people of the road, a nation of car fanatics, fast food junkies, thrill seekers. no old world stuffiness here. fuck that shit. move move move move m-o-v-e speed. a nation of nomads we used to be. its capitalism, its materialism that mucks our feet to the continent in our own little slice of heaven. we've given up bankruptcy protection, something that used to be a hallmark of our nation. you fuck up, you can start over. well the greedy men who rule the world, no one has taken the win outta their sails dave. you listen you will understand

06/28/2005 22:40 #21342

how much for a pound of flesh
the vendors did ask
how much for a pound of your heart
your lover did ask

you know you smile when you sleep?
rolling over, waking up, before you
every morn,
seeing your face, your lips, your smile
hearing your breath when you would roll
over onto my chest
your breast pressed against mine
wet from the shower in you robe, soft
against your cool clean skin
thanking the winds, the sun, the waters
thanking god for bringing you and
i together
walking to work,
happy in the morning,
knowing everything was alright
you were inside of me,
i was inside of you
the little boy in me
the little girl in you
laughter, loving
im going to miss your nitetime smiles
im going to miss your kisses
the little squeak you make when i squeeze you tight
th laught that follows
hearing you complain about what to wear
while i watch the weather
the way you would turn you head
while we danced
i, knowing everyone watching,green
wishing they had what we had
seeing your eyes,
loving your eyes, your smile
god your smile.

06/22/2005 20:13 #21341

take this job and shove it
told my boss the other day to fuck off. yep, it was great, well not really considering now i am scrambling for a job. it did feel good, but the initial rush wore off at happy hour. it was a job that was going now where to begin with, but i was trying to get interviews so i was not left flat. the only interviews i managed to get were lousy marketing schemes. not jobs, but schemes. pyramid type mothership shit. yeah i really don't think that stuff should be put in the classifieds. its really a bummer to job searchers all over. you send out your resume, accompanied most times with a gut wrenching cover letter, and you get to the interview and the guy does not even have the damn resume on the table, just wants to talk about the GREAT opportunity before me where i can make thousands of dollars, if and only if i bring on 10 other "sales reps" He presents his "success story" smelling of drakkar, brute, or polo and cigarettes. Always has a big raspy your friend in a bar voice, and warm sweaty hands. Handing you a business card for Smith Inc. International TelecomEnterprises.