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09/08/2004 17:14 #21326

rememberance to manhattan
rocking side to side along the rails in a rainy august nite remembering the first time i could remember, consciously remember a bittersweet realith of past happenings, hopenings the reason one or all remember is for the feeling, the sensation involved with the action the sensation of loss that begins in your stomach as if an ember was placed gently, quietly inside of you for the purpose of irritation to be quenched at your favorite watering hole or through the sweat of lust. the empire state building comes into view as the lumbering sliver in the nite rain train whisked along to its final destitnation, or was that the a momentary stop along its own rememberance of the tracks Penn Station Manhattan last and final stop for the westbound train filied with young dewy cunt eyes and old withered pricks waiting to stick out in the rainy nite glow electric like the magnificent Empire State, looking around i see everyone quiet with their mouths yapping noiseless yawns of blabber that do not interest me specifically but the din that rises from the motion of the lips and tounges and vocal chords while briefly interrupted by the swallow of bottle beer concealed foolishly in wrinkly brown paper, or not hidden at all.

09/08/2004 17:06 #21325

that good day in june
written june 5th 2004

and so it was today, of june
two halves of an acorn did fall,
soon to blossom, an oak
in fields of southern suns

09/08/2004 17:03 #21324

darkened living room afternoon
buddha sits quiet
beneath gangly green canopy
i stare out from behind frances' tears

07/31/2004 04:47 #21323

Feel like chicken tonite?
Well, I did happen to get one response to my query on favorite dishes, and while it was quite helpful it does not look like i will be slaving away in the kitchen. Yesterday evening, while speaking to my date, i asked if there was anything that she did not like (ie. food, beverages) and it was then that she let me know that she is a vegan. So it does not look like i will be firing up the griddle. whew. now i just have to find somewhere that has vegan options on the menu. I don't forsee it being that difficult. Long Beach has a diverse selection of restaurants. I am finally nearing the end of the road with Visions of Cody, and last nite as i was tidying up the place, i ended up reading little gulps of this book i picked up while visiting my sister on the jersey shore. the books is titled HOBO. its by eddie joe cotton. looks really good. almost a modern day on the road, sort of. this job i have right now, well its, it drains you. i have not written a haiku in a couple weeks. i get home, usually after 12 hours and just crash. tonite i was so beat that i missed a party, and everyone going out in the west end. no good. feel asleep after getting halfway through some shrimp lo mein. didn't even put a dent in my beer. such a shame. it also seems like i do not see anyone much anymore. though i guess thats what happens after being a man of leisure for....oh....close to 10 months. though i did manage to make it out last nite to the whales tail to see one of my friends do an acoustic set and watch this drunk woman fight, literally fist fight her friends out front of the bar. it was really entertaining. she then though she could ride her bike home, yeah well that didn't happen, as she rode right into a parked car. fuck reality television. think its about time for me to hit the rack. hopefully soon this big blockage i am having will explode and i will burst forth with furious anger and you will know my name is the lord...forget it.. i just need to get typing.

07/27/2004 23:28 #21322

Dinner Suggestion Anyone?
As noted in my last entry, a few min ago, i met a beautiful Brit girl this past weekend, and well this weekend she is coming back out to long beach for our date. i'm going to cook dinner ( yes i am capable ) however, i wouldnt mind some ideas. Any fav dishes? i figure after that we would head out to the beach and then for some drinks. supposed to be nice this weekend.