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Codypomeray's Journal

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07/13/2004 23:10 #21319

driving through new jersey on summer nites, its no wonder bruce and bon jovi had such good material to write hits with. its a different kind of place. of course anywhere in this general area is. i guess i have a slight obsession with the east coast because of the mystery of it. one might not think there is any mystery but you can feel it. warm summer nite time parkway reflecting lines leading you through the salty sea fog that drifts in and fills your head. it keeps you here,the ocean, the dirty city,the worn sidewalks where the feet of hope and desire lust death poverty disease have walked and worn their lives into the permanance of the city .but while doing that i have this desire to see the west, the newness of it. oh wow, how strange a special on the pacific coast highway with George Foreman. i wonder if he has his grill on the trip with him. oooh they are showing bridges....i love bridges. especially now that i have a sunroof. something that i don't think i could really ever live with out now. well anyways..its a special about the pacific coast highway. something that amazes me. though i think i would probably get into an accident as i would be craning my neck to see everything, suck up everything with my eyes. did you ever wish that you could just take pictures with your eyes? or print out pictures from you memory. any of you tech guys reading this (which probably is nill) get on that ok. well its time for me to get typing on my old monster before going out for a evening of drinking in long beach. have fun all, hopefully i will get to catch up with you this weekend dee.

07/09/2004 03:27 #21318

live in NYC

07/01/2004 21:42 #21317

conch shell whisper
cry out your tears
quench the bouquets of sadness and hope
love lites 'pon your brow softly

07/01/2004 21:41 #21316

sea air afternoon
out of this window
i watch and i am watched
counting the gulls moving on i sit stil

07/01/2004 21:39 #21315

el nino
the breezes cross your cheeks
everyone scattered bout this land
my winds of discontent drift to the sea the mountains