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05/14/2005 22:17 #20858

Good Day
Today I graduated. Although it isn't very exciting to say that I graduated from Buffalo State College with a Bachelor or Arts in Psychology. Everyone knows that means absolutely nothing. I feel its much more impressive that I graduated in 4 years, transfering 3 times. That is something that I am actually proud of. I don't think college (at least what I attended) helps you learn all that much, except the importance of managing your time. At the end of college you may have never really managed your time, but you realize how truly effective it can be!!!

I don't know exactly how I feel about being a graduate. I mean I don't know if i want to go back or not. Truth is I would like a good enough job:

-get to work with cool people
-not monotonous or makes me anxious
-paid enough to go on 4 semi-big travels a year
-good hours

The above are in order of importance to me!

Also I got my wisdom teeth taken out, and advice for anyone that can be "put under" DO IT. You really don't want to hear all of the cracking and pressure. It was quite traumatic, plus the novocane had adrealine which make me feel like a crazy person. I am recoving well I think. I can't have any complications before the big trip, which by the way I am getting extremely sad about leaving my mom. I don't know how long I will be able to stay away from her? I suppose the first little while will be the worst.

Also good news I got an ipod and I am trying to load all of my songs onto it!!!-yeah!


Should be May 21st at 10:30pm at Off the Wall

You should all be there!

04/28/2005 12:04 #20857

Hi Maureen!!!

I just wanted to say Happy 22nd, you took it better than I did!!!

I am totally looking forward to seeing you soon.

04/25/2005 00:54 #20856

Mark this in your calendar
I am sure you all will be very sad to hear that not one (Jill) but 2 (& Teres/Beast) of your elmwoodstrippers will be journeying to Edinburgh, Scotland for an undesignated amount of time. That is right, we have our one-way tickets and are ready to move on out of this small town. Mike, Jill, & Teres are planning for a get together at some bar, which is undecided. But I just wanted to get you pumped about it early. It is probably going to be May 21st.

And I would like to extend a special invitation to metalpeter...just think if you came to the party then you could find a balance between socializing & the computer. The bonus is that you don't' have to think about if you will regret life or not cause you have the best of both worlds!!!

As for other things going on...i have taken an amazing/amazingly hard course this semester all about evolution and who is our closest relative. I feel confident to say that it is the Chimpanzee. They commit homicide and are the only other animal besides humans that will kill to expand their territory. Aand in case you wanted to know there are four great apes, and the bonobos are my favorite!!!

12/26/2004 00:02 #20855

Cell Equiped
Yes, the moment has finally come that I do in fact now own a cell phone...for the next 12 months at least!!!-free of charge to me. It's not just any cell phone, no way dude its totally top of the line. YES! With an outside screen, and camera-I am obsessed and in a bit of heaven.image

I think everyone celebrating Christmas should walk away feeling a bit more "fetch" and more organized!!!

12/12/2004 02:55 #20854

Oh Water
Why is it that water sobers you up so quickly? All those irrational thoughts of needing to talk/flirt with someone disappears. You realize that you weren't asked to give a speech at your undergraduate commencement, as your parents laugh at you. You remember to hate yourself again for almost stopping your aunt's 50th birthday party downtown because you forgot your ID, even tho your mom was there vouching for you, because you were taking your damn Subject GRE and you forgot your 2 greatest forms of ID in your jeans. You remember how incompetent and dependent you are, and you wonder when will you become a coherent person. And damnit you have an exam Monday and two exams Tuesday. Why is it again that I suck so much, oh yea because I am me!