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Alicia's Journal

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10/19/2005 14:41 #20540

new pics



here's a few new pics...see ya'll at th costume's gonna be killer :)

10/12/2005 22:24 #20539

sad news
i just thought i'd let anyone who cares know that will and i broke up. it was a mutual decision, we need some time apart although we decided we want to reamin close friends. breakups are never easy. we live together, so that brings added stress to the situation. my life is changing dramatically right now. im going to haev to move home temporarily. i also have no car right now. all this is depressing, but i must keep up my spirits as i rebuild my life. if anyone can offer any kind words or advice i would greatly appreciate it.
alison - 10/31/05 17:15
i just broke up as well.

it was really nice to meet you the other nite-- i hope yr doing okay.
leetee - 10/13/05 00:28
Breaking up is like greiving... there are several steps and stages. Each one brings a new kind of pain, but with that will come strength as well. Unfortunately, failure is a part of life, and it is what we make of ourselves after we fail that makes us the strong people we are.

I'm not expert and i can't begin to say i understand what you are going through. Just know i will be thinking of you, hoping each day brings more strength and less sadness.
paul - 10/12/05 23:12
Matt says you are moving back to the hood. Maybe we will see you more often.
lilho - 10/12/05 22:59
im going through something similar. my advice is to just take time for you, completely, and totally. do things that make you happy. you are young. while you wont stop caring for him, maybe you'll realize why it didnt work, and be happier on your own for a while. its a breath of fresh air.
ladycroft - 10/12/05 22:29
Why do we fall down Bruce? So we can get up. We fall down, we endure great turmoil, but we get up and move toward the next great moments in our life. In the sadness of the loss you will discover something new, and it's the only way. Just know you're thought of :)

10/09/2005 02:10 #20538

drunkin babble
Is there anybody out there????? im trashed right now just feel like ramblin on..sing that song..nobody probably wants to read this hahahahaha i crack myself up. its getting mighty cold outside. everyone grab their snuggle what ya'll gonan be forhalloween?? im going as a stripper zombie..if anyone has any idea's for me lemme know i wanna make it as awesome as i can..ok well ill shut up now
paul - 10/09/05 10:51
Are you comming to our holloween party?

09/14/2005 10:47 #20537

bored at school
hey everyone i'm in between classes right now so i thought i would post something. I had a Math test today I think I got one hundred!!!! YAY i'm such a dork!!

Will and I went to Zoar Valley the other day. It was amazing!!! I'm pissed tho because we don't have a camera. i would of luved to take pics to post for ya'll who never been there. It's quite amazing. We swam there as well the water was freezing and over our heads at some one point on the trail down to the water we saw a car that must of rolled all the way down the cliff and landed upside down in a pile of bushes. there was no way anyone could of survived that. It was pretty nuts. makes me wonder why so many people act stupid and die for no reason.
alison - 09/14/05 19:29
yeah a lot of people die at zoar valley. a couple months ago a friend of my family's died (she was 19)- i think she feel off a cliff or something. i'onno if it was an honest accident or if stupidity was involved, but it's sad nonetheless.

anyways, i'm glad you had such a nice time! swimming had to have been so great- i was at school until three and sweating my butt off.

09/06/2005 16:16 #20536

i'm back
Sorry i haven't ben on here in a while. Did anyone miss me :)~ Well school started and I've been busy with that but I missed you all!!! Here are a few random pics. yummy yummy in the tummy!! Mmm enjoy!!




alicia - 09/08/05 14:15
i wish i had some to share but sadly those pics are old :( but have no fear one day the magic shrooms will rise again.
dcoffee - 09/06/05 18:35
Hmmm... looks like Alicia went on a little psychadellic journey while she was away. I hope she has returned with some fine nuggets of wisdom to share with the group... or just nuggets, but you can still share :) either way it's good to hear from you.
metalpeter - 09/06/05 18:16
That last picture is Funny Mushrooms and Jerry Garcia. I wonder howmany shrooms he did. That reminds me on The Burger King sign on Delaware and Hertel they have Mushrooms shortend to shrooms. I wanted to go in there and say "hay man how much for shrooms" then say "How Many Shrooms are going to be in the Bag, Mind if I weigh Them". Yeah Alica you seem cool not that I really know ya to well, but glad your back.