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09/14/2005 10:47 #20537

bored at school
hey everyone i'm in between classes right now so i thought i would post something. I had a Math test today I think I got one hundred!!!! YAY i'm such a dork!!

Will and I went to Zoar Valley the other day. It was amazing!!! I'm pissed tho because we don't have a camera. i would of luved to take pics to post for ya'll who never been there. It's quite amazing. We swam there as well the water was freezing and over our heads at some one point on the trail down to the water we saw a car that must of rolled all the way down the cliff and landed upside down in a pile of bushes. there was no way anyone could of survived that. It was pretty nuts. makes me wonder why so many people act stupid and die for no reason.
alison - 09/14/05 19:29
yeah a lot of people die at zoar valley. a couple months ago a friend of my family's died (she was 19)- i think she feel off a cliff or something. i'onno if it was an honest accident or if stupidity was involved, but it's sad nonetheless.

anyways, i'm glad you had such a nice time! swimming had to have been so great- i was at school until three and sweating my butt off.

09/06/2005 16:16 #20536

i'm back
Sorry i haven't ben on here in a while. Did anyone miss me :)~ Well school started and I've been busy with that but I missed you all!!! Here are a few random pics. yummy yummy in the tummy!! Mmm enjoy!!




alicia - 09/08/05 14:15
i wish i had some to share but sadly those pics are old :( but have no fear one day the magic shrooms will rise again.
dcoffee - 09/06/05 18:35
Hmmm... looks like Alicia went on a little psychadellic journey while she was away. I hope she has returned with some fine nuggets of wisdom to share with the group... or just nuggets, but you can still share :) either way it's good to hear from you.
metalpeter - 09/06/05 18:16
That last picture is Funny Mushrooms and Jerry Garcia. I wonder howmany shrooms he did. That reminds me on The Burger King sign on Delaware and Hertel they have Mushrooms shortend to shrooms. I wanted to go in there and say "hay man how much for shrooms" then say "How Many Shrooms are going to be in the Bag, Mind if I weigh Them". Yeah Alica you seem cool not that I really know ya to well, but glad your back.

08/24/2005 11:12 #20535

well my dad is coming home so i won't be at a computer for a few days. i miss him very much...i love my dad!!! we get along and have fun together. the problem is when he and my mom get together. it can be interesting, usually stresses me out. i will be staying at their house for the weekend. its so amazing. you think YESSSS im gonna grow up and be free i tell ya FRrrEEE bahahaha. the truth is THEY NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!!!! at least in my case. oh well i will miss them when they are gone. when i am gone. wow that felt a lot better!!! venting is good :)~
dcoffee - 09/04/05 20:45
What ever happened to Alicia anyway? e-strip will never be the same.

08/20/2005 22:53 #20534

A Few Haiku's
I wrote these while I was bored....i love haiku's because they are simple yet elegant hope you enjoy them!!!

Stars growing brighter                
Universe in constant flow                
Exploding with life            

Lusty Woman

Sexy momma burns
Libido rising faster
Wet with desire


Graceful creation
Intricate complex design
Resting softly down

ladycroft - 08/21/05 10:55
Where do you live!? I'm making deliveries early this evening. Call me at 213.3000!

08/18/2005 13:38 #20533

We Must Have A Voice
Will and I got back from New Hampshire a couple of days ago. The air and water were so fresh and clean. We stopped to eat in Vermont. It serves as the perfect haven for an old hippy. We got a few good pics of lake Sunapee. I will post um when i can borrow the camera, it's not ours :( it was a fun trip. We walked through this bog that formed on top of a 10,000 year old lake that formed when the ice melted. The mat that "floated" on top of this lake was made up of spongy moss that in some places was actually arctic tundra. Species of plants were growing that you would normally find in the arctic. It was really interesting. Unfortunately we didn't get to take pictures because we forgot to stop and get batteries. I will be posting the picures we did get soon......

Ok so I want to know...when and where can I join others in protest against the war?
There has been a recent surge in anti-war protests across the world. A lot of it has to do with the woman who is holding a vigil outside Bush's ranch. People are also sick and tired of hearing about four more, two more, five more troops dying. Those are only the ones they tell us about. I've been hearing stories lately about wounded troops...over 2,000 have been murdered...thousands more have lost limbs. They try to make us forget about them. Or not know about them at all. My point I guess is great things have been accomplished by using our right to free speech and peaceful demonstration. I hear a lot of my peers making a joke out of protesting. Some just don't give a damn. Whatever it is, we need to get over it and let our voive be heard. The "government" has made us weak. Using the media, amoung other things, to manipulate us. WAR IS EVIL!!!! It is no solution to "terrorism." We went into Iraq like a bunch of terrorists. The funny part is not only did they NOT have the weapons, they had nothing to do with 911. In my opinion, the Bush family had the whole thing set up with the Bin Ladin's. 911 was a distraction and an excuse to invade Iraq for oil, and get Saddam. I'm not saying Saddam is a fucking good person. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live under his rule. The point is there are many evil dictators around the world, we can't just start taking them all over. Especially when they are no threat. Let those people work out there own situation. Some Iraqi's were satisfied with their situation before we invaded. Whatever....anyway I want my voice to be heard so if anyone can let me know where and when I will show my support!!!
dcoffee - 08/20/05 21:57
Judging by your coments on the war in Iraq, you might like to read something I posted recently. it talks about why we should get out of Iraq and the fundimental steps that can start things moving. it's realy short and to the point. [inlink]dcoffee,5[/inlink] check it out.
matthew - 08/18/05 21:25
Hey! welcome home, i can't wait to see the pics!
joshua - 08/18/05 19:51
Sounds like it was a fun trip! As far as the anti-war protest stuff goes... I think Paul might know more.
metalpeter - 08/18/05 18:08
I will be honest I don't know where to tell you to go. Get some friends togather who agree with you and go infront of the armory or maybe bidwell parkway where there will be a lot of people.

I agree a lot with what you are saying. I think there was no threat From Sadam. If Bush would have Said Sadam is Evil and his own people fear him. We belive he was behind the attacks and a free Iraq will help us get terrorists and liberate the people of Iraq and find everyone responsable. Then great I would have supported him but That isn't what the war was about. Bush's buddies the Saudi's and the Bin Laden Family where flown out of the country when ever other plane was grounded. The CIA should have have Jumper cables on there nuts getting information from them like they do to everyone else all over the world. Then denouce tourture as wrong.

The Problem now is that there are insurgants and the Troops can't tell who the citizens are and who are the attackers. To leave now would be unfair to the free citizens of Iraq. We freed them now untill they get a stable government it is our duty to protect them. But see Bush is trying to use this so that his buddies companies can build in iraq and get busineses over there and make lots of money. Right now it would be like sending the citizens to the slaguter but eventully we have to get our troops out. The big question is when. why should our troops die when a lot of the iraqy people don't want us there? At what point do we say if the people want freedom they have to take it for them selves. That is the problem with a revolution. I revolution has to be from with in. There are a lot of things that are wrong with our own country like the homeless and Gays not Having equal rights and rights being infringed on in the name of security. If the us citizens get tired of high gas prices and $300 heat bills and all the crap and revolt and fight the government and it is a majority of the people feal this way, it is actully legal acording to the constitution, then we would be ready for the fight. But if some other country came here and overthrough our government then we wouldn't be ready for it and those opposed to the new government would fight and kill the revolters and it would be just as ugly as things are in iraq.
rzoo - 08/18/05 16:50
It was amazing, 2 years ago, there were huge protests against the occupation in every big city in Europe. All were on the same day, started at the same time. Seriously huge. Even though they couldn't stop the US Powers to attack Iraq, the rest of the world heard what do the Europeans think about the fucking war.

I wish here in US we could organize all the people who are against the war and do a US-wide rally! Would be so great.

jason - 08/18/05 14:13
I'm sure if you go to Code Pink or People for the American Way or NARAL or any other leftist group's web site you can likely find petitions and whatnot.