Last Saturday (e:paul) and I checked out the Tea Party rave at Dnipro.
Not many showed up because of the snow but it was worth it. I don't think I've ever danced so hard in one hour. I also think it was the most sober I've been at a rave, (e:paul) and I split one skunky Polish beer.
Strangely enough, I was listening to DJ Venom's music on youtube today and came across his webshow. It turns out he's the brother of Kim, from Matt and Kim (also awesome).
The other djs' sets were awesome too. We ran into our crazy rave friend Lisa, who gave us a saucer and told us that "the night is going to get saucy"
DJ Venom's website:
His soundcloud:
01/27/2017 14:53 #60761
Long shirts Category:
When your polo shirt doubles as a dress
01/27/2017 14:52 #60760
Rest of NYC Category: travel
A dumpling place with a C-grade health inspection, 6 hours of marathon crunkness for (e:paul)'s birthday and a nameless Korean friend.
The women's march was happening the Saturday we were down. 9 hours after the protest started, it was still going. (e:hodown) said they had three times the turnout they were expecting. Fuck Trump and his tacky tower.
Down the street from the protest was a Microsoft store with people playing VR in the window. (e:paul) and (e:hodown) in front of a church. That's evidence to get into heaven if they ever need it.
01/27/2017 14:50 #60759
The Metropolitan Museum
I think the most impressive building I've ever seen, right in central park. I can't even comprehend the volume and insanity of the exhibits. Although, half the artifices donated by the Rockefellers etc not just spoils of colonialism/war/genocide?
Here's a bike riding delivery squirrel in Brooklyn.
We accidentaly navigated via the subway to Metropolitan, the bar, instead of the Metropolitan, museum. It turns out it's a gay bar. What good SEO though. What if you named your restaurant "restaurant" "food" "lunch"?