The orange room is now dehoarded.
(E:paul) was going crazy. We have so many boxes of outdated electronics to recycle and twice as many books and stuff to goodwill. The boxes are the symptom of a capitalist dream. Boxes of boxes of electronics, their cords, and their successors smaller boxes. We left the books. We thought we should wait for
(e:terry) to return from florida to review them.
There were many pictures of pre digital times to review including
(e:Paul)'s old wet vegan passport. Isn't he cute? Both him and Terry had whole boxes from their youth. It's weird how geschictelos I feel. Most of my life took place in a post digital, pre backup age. there are no photo print outs, no letters, nothing of my teenage years. maybe somewhere in an encrypted file of AIM chats or on some NSA SMS archive. Thousands of junk shots but nothing to see. One day I will have to review what I have. I should probably
(e:strip) better or I will never remember what life was really like. I don't Facebook anymore so at least it won't be sold back to me down the road.
I'm glad to have cleared space. After cleaning
(e:Paul) wanted to go to Sato.
Joe, you're making me verklempt! I had so much fun.