Feeding the beast before we went.

The mushrooms on this tree on Ferry Street are going to town. Surprisingly the tree seems very alive.

While we walked down Elmwood, they had a daytime trick or treat going on. I notice there's a lot more of these things going on and not many night trick or treaters. Are parents really too scared to take their kids at night?
The worst I've heard is "trunk or treating" where you go to a parking lot and go from trunk to trunk for candy. If my parents ever made us do that growing up I think I would have died.
Notice for a lost dog ;(

On the way back we met up with (e:mike) and went to the bougie smoothie place next to the fancy salad place. It was good but very overpriced.
We walked down to Allen Street - look at this art inside the hoarder store. (e:xandra), that rear painting is meant for you.

so many people at the halloween party are going to be heart broken when they realize that Basra died
such need
The smoothy was so good.