It was so nice out we went to ride bikes. Originally we were going to ride out to East Aurora, but decided it might be too long to do starting at 1pm. So we headed down to hike at Tifft. It was basically summer.
A concrete carrying French Canadian ship!
Herrlicher tag - here is a beaver dam, the OG engineers
We walked up around the southernmost path to the railroad tracks.

A lot of the park is overrun with knotweed. Blech.
While we were back there,
(e:terry) and I snuck through the bushes to the foundation of some old building.
(e:paul) thinks it used to be used for raves, called "The Metal Pit". The building is gone now, and all around the edges were these tunnels that were half filled in - possibly to an old basement? I went in one but you couldn't go very far.

On the way back we took a really overgrown-not-really-a-path. I think it was made by the deer because we saw one bouncing away on it.
In the nature center there were a few interesting books. A book on hallucinogenic plants, and the most obsessive book I've ever seen on warblers. The warblers book catalogued every type of North American warbler species, their range, behavior, song - everything about them. It's one of the few times I feel like I've found a book that I couldn't find all the information online - at least in one place.
The ride home was nice. We went down Allen and passed a new coffee shop at North Pearl. We also see this stupid fucking parking lot where the old Artvoice building was. If the preservation board allows this and not three freaking solar panels, what are they good for?
Post bike refueling done by
(e:terry)'s vegetarian chili.