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08/18/2015 23:18 #60165

After work swim
Category: swimming
Despite (e:Paul)'s angst we managed to go to Windmill Point after work yesterday. It was another perfect day for swimming.

Swimming/biking combo has to be the best exercise combo. All the cardio plus exercise with a lot of range of motion. I feel so much more flexible after. I want to find a pool to swim at this winter.

On the way back the border crossing was experiencing some Windows stlye failure. It always seems like something is going wrong with their equipment there. Who knows what is happening on the computer hen they swipe your license? I'd hate to have some data issue get me pulled aside.




08/18/2015 21:39 #60164

Presque Isle swin
Category: swimming

While the rest of the campers swam at the brushwood pool, (e:Paul) and I took a short trip to Presque Isle. It was about 40 minutes to the beach.

I love swimming there so much. It makes me want to float out to the middle of the lake, since you're jutting out from the shore so much.

On the way back we drove the other way down Bailey Hill Road to brushwood. It takes you by a big lake and town called Findley Lake, which was way prettier than the scrubby brushwood landscape.






08/16/2015 19:13 #60163

Weekend at Brushwood
Category: camping
We went down to Brushwood for one more time this summer to hang with (e:Heidi), (e:dianne), (e:libertad), (e:xandra), Tanya and Jonathan, and to celebrate (e:flacidness)'s birthday. Unfortunately I still have a non charging phone so there are few pictures.

It didn't rain at all like it was supposed to. The first night we hung out and played with some fiery devices. Sparklers look cool but are difficult to get pictures of.

The second night was also fun but leaned more towards being a shitshow. I spent a lot of time with (e:Paul) and (e:Terry) walking around watching the meteor shower, and the rest chilling by our camp's fire.

For the record, the didgeridome sounds freaking cool. Paul and I just stood in the field listening to them talk and riff in time with the digieridoo. I want to go visit them next year.






08/13/2015 01:15 #60161

Perseids meteor shower
Category: space
I'm down by myself at Wilkenson Point watching the Perseid meteor shower. Earlier (e:terry) and I were searching for shooting stars in the back yard but onlu saw faint ones. Every once in a while I see an awesome bright streak make its way above the lake.

I wish I could capture them somehow but I don't think it's possible without some DSLR long exposures.

Too bad there's so much light here, including the parks themself which are supposed to be closed. Luckily I rode by the security guard and he was just sleeping in his car ;)

All of the lights from space, in a low res pic

We saw so many stars in West Valley this weekend. I can't wait to be out even further on Jabe Pond where you see forever. Sometimes I wonder how bright the sky could be in a super really dark isolated place out west - like in Flagstaff where they have an observatory on a mountain ((e:Terry) and (e:Paul) went to school there). Or the middle of the ocean.



heidi - 08/17/15 16:50
Cherry Springs State Park, outside Coudersport, PA. :::link:::

08/13/2015 00:53 #60160

Paper hoarding
Category: environment
The Red Jacket building is having asbestos abatement which include's the Allentown Association offices. I think I'm more concerned for them about the banker boxes of old paper they moved to the window today. Paper stresses me out.



