I went to Ashker's (yum!) today with (e:paul) and Patrick in his truck (blech!) I can't wait to see if the one at Ferry and Main actually opens.
While I was there, I noticed they had a Bitcoin vending machine. I've never seen one in real life, and this one looks kind of shady. I wonder if anyone has ever used it and if so, what the fee is.
Also, the value of a bitcoin is down to $290/BTC, from the crazy peak of $1230/BTC.
08/10/2015 00:43 #60157
Bass Mountain Category: dancing
I did the best I could documenting it given the conditions ;O
We rolled into West Valley to this backwoods hippy compound. We immediately put the car into a ditch on arrival, until a dude bei helped is push it out. Then we settled in with (e:uchina) and Liz in our camping spot.
Later or Rochester friend Tom and his friends Tony meet up with us.
The tilted car. (e:uchina) and (e:terry) doing some redneck engineering to get us out
The place was super hilly and forested. Which was fun for hiking, but dancing was a little tilted. Here's the main stage which was built out of branches. The first day of music was not much to talk about so I'll mostly skip that.
In between dancey time was a constant craft circle and days old car chicken. I think that's how the original pioneers of Western New York handled themselves.
Day 2 had much better music. A lot of it was very bass heavy. Here's a shadowy video of Paul in the sweaty masses.
Our new screaming-friend Lillie. Her spirit animal is a bee and she's a serious hooper. (e:terry) and his glowing face paint
Twist was an awesome DJ - I'm not one for house but this was really good. He apparently played at the 24 at some point.
08/10/2015 00:40 #60156
Birthday party Category: birthday
Thanks to all the lurvely peeps who made it to my birthday last Thursday and made it freaking amazing (!! (e:terry) who got it all ready). I had an awesome sticky beery smores evening rolling out in the back yard with you all. I can't wait to try and make your birthdays this good! It makes me think I'll try and be less of an old man while I still can ;).
I was especially pumped to see the Black Rock Roller crew wheel themselves in. Plus, look at the beautiful cards I received (including this fuzzy drawing from Mickey, (e:robert) and Nick!
08/06/2015 01:04 #60153
Birthday times Category: birthday
24, I can't believe I'm getting so old. I had an amazing birthday today, especially thanks to (e:terry) and (e:paul).
When I got home from work they gave me two presents - a new bike light with laser projected lanes, and a swiss army bike tool kit. Watch out for me cause I make my own lane. Too bad the lasers can't shoot at encroaching cars.
We then went with my family to Mezza for some Latvian goodness. I got a birthday falafel, my lieblingsessen, and Paul and I split a pomegranate salad. The waitress even brought me a rice pudding with a candle in it when she found out it was my birthday.
To ratchet up the blood sugar levels further my mom made me a chocolate peanut butter cake we had at home.
At the end of the night the three of us finished up with a laser fenced bike ride around the Delaware park and up main.
Can't wait to get turnt tomorrow night with all the peeps. 7:30pm, be there!
Here's to another year with the most amazing guys ever. I can't wait to get even crazier on every single level :D
sina - 08/06/15 05:19 happy birthday lovely (e:joe)
best wishes for you
08/06/2015 01:03 #60152
Robert's phone Category: german
Last night I helped (e:robert) finish replacing his HTC Desire 816 G LCD screen.
He had partially disassembled it but couldn't finish it because the video he found was in Hindi(?).
Weirdly enough there were almost no English videos or tutorials on what to do.
There was a German one - so I got to kill two birds with one stone and practice some technical language too.
happy birthday lovely (e:joe)
best wishes for you