After seeing (e:robert) and Mickey out last night, we decided to take a spur of the moment trip up to Toronto for pride. We'll see how this goes!
06/25/2015 22:43 #60080
Spoon at the square Category: square
I got yelled at by a private security guard for jumping a fence. I thought the docks were blocked off for private boat people but I was rebelling without a cause because that wasn't the case.
Anyway spoon was nothing great but we saw Emily, Mike, Kerry and many others but never saw my siblings ;(
06/25/2015 00:19 #60078
Heidi and Dianne's reception Category:
06/25/2015 00:03 #60076
Letchworth swim Category:
We stopped at Letchworth on the way home with (e:Terry)'s mom to show her the falls and grand canyon of the east. We also got to swim in the freaking gigantic pool. I love being able to go off a diving board too.