Singlehandedly the best bike ride of my life - dream accomplished
(e:joe,58931) I could not believe how well it went. By Matt's count from a youtube video, there were at least 300 riders. Zero harrasment, from cops, riders, or bystanders. And we got our message across. Seems like even the people who drove to the ride had such a good time, I'd like to think they'll be more sold on bikes next time they leave the house -
(e:uchina) ;)!
Nothing feels freer than riding around your city, down Elmwood, down Bidwell, down Main giving the finger to the Delta Sonic monster, naked as the day you were born.
The afterparty(ies) were pretty good too. Much props to Handlebar for holding the unofficial one and letting us go down to our underwear. Even better was the sequel at our house after. May be the only time I've had a cop tell a very silly
(e:uchina) and I that we can't be naked on our own porch.
Heads up, lots of junk below if you're not down for that.
I've tried to gather up some pictures - a lot of them I pulled from the facebook event. I didn't take many since we decided to discourage it for comfort reasons the first year. Obviously we're all there to show what we've got, so I think next year it'll be okay.
Thanks to everyone who came, see you next year! I know I can't wait.
:::link::: (all the recipies for Sleezy Construction & Barbecue Co.)
:::link::: Let's make that tofu again, Joe!