metalpeter - 03/22/15 23:01 I honestly Have no idea if they get meat like produce locally or how that works ? But back years back I learned that When I think it was Bells where Price Rite is now when meat would go brown they would open it up ad Dye and re wrap like fresh I went to school with someone who claimed she did it but maybe she just saw it done not sure .....I also don't know about their prices but some of their food is cheaper then tops that makes sense since they are National ????
03/21/2015 12:35 #59917
Wasabi Lunch Category:
I could eat sushi 3x per day.
joe - 03/23/15 01:37 Me too (espec the tempura sweet potato)
03/21/2015 12:21 #59916
Dancing with Union Carbide Barrels Category:
The warehouse we danced in last night was so totally disguting. Now I remember why people use to wear face masks to raves. Between the dust, industrial grease and cigarettes everywhere, I am sure that it was the genesis of the cancer I will one day have.
metalpeter - 03/22/15 22:55 Um What ? I'm saying that cause that company if I remember it correctly was one of worst polluters and all there stuff was very Toxic .... I would like get tested for everything as soon as you can .... I might have the wrong company but .....
03/17/2015 00:15 #59909
St. Patrick's Day Category: holidays
The weather wasn't as nice as many of the other years but it was still quite fun. I wish I liked beer more or that the Italian festival was instead a parade where people chugged wine out of cornicppias.
My brother got me to funnel a beer through a St. Patricks horn which I am sure (e:Joe) is about to post a pic of.
Afterwards there was an impromptu bear party at our house.
The best part of all was that (e:libertad) cleaned the house while they waited for their taxi. My brother tried to take credit but we all know that's impossible.
1. I hope TK was ok I just say that cause in one post I have no idea what that is on his sleeve I hope it isn't what it looked like HA sorry and here he is soaked ....
2. I do not know how you would find this out but I wonder if other Cities Like The Falls or Toronto or NYC have a parade as part of their form of an Italian Festival There is one at the one on Hertel but it is real short and there are all ways people who don't know to get out of the way of it
libertad - 03/19/15 08:22 Note to self: When using the curb app don't change your battery while you are waiting for the cab to come cause this will cause the cab not to come.
I suppose it's better than getting random letters informing you that you have been selected for colonoscopy duty