Shoveling With A Pickup Truck Category:
church of the ascension
I hate how they plow the sidewalks with a pickup truck. It wrecks the grass and the sidewalk so bad.
02/06/2015 00:01 #59820
A Ridiculous Amount Of Winter Category:
It's so damn cold out there. We walked to the coop and I was wearing dress clothes clothes still. I think I got frost dick because my pants were so thin. I hate winter.
ExBuffalonian - 02/06/15 13:18 Hang in there. March is only three weeks away!
02/01/2015 20:41 #59814
Niagara Falls Category:
niagara falls
It was so cold and frozen. I wanted to go to the buffet at the skyline tower but you couldn't even see the falls from there it was so misty and gray.
02/01/2015 18:11 #59812
Tim Horton's Niagara Falls Canada Category:
naiagara falls
Why does everyone throw things like plastic lidded coffee cups all over the ground? It's not just like an isolated incident with one cup here or there, it's a freak branded litterbug epidemic.
joe - 02/10/15 02:38 I wonder if their marketing considers their litter legitimate advertising.
So fucking gross. I say tax the cups as much as the coffee is sold for to fund a cleanup.
02/01/2015 12:55 #59811
Raving In Buffalo - Datsik Town Ballroom - Rave 3.5 Waiting Room Category: music
Wednesday night at Town Ballroom was awesome. Its crazy how big electronic music has gotten again. The place was packed wall to wall.
Then on Friday night there was another event a Dnipro and last night at The Waiting Room it was so packed we waited in line for an hour and never made it in. They turned people away because they hit capacity.
Hang in there. March is only three weeks away!