Paul's Journal
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01/23/2015 22:35 #59783
American Repertory Theater of WNYCategory: theater
Birthday dinner night, we are in a rush bringing (e:terry)'s mom from the airport in order to get to get to dinner. We try to pull in our driveway and someone from the play has our whole driveway blocked as well as pedestrian access to the linwood sidewalk.
We decided this time to go in and give them the chance to move instead of having them ticketed but the fuck face who works there decided the suspension of disbelief was more important than the 100 dollars in fines for his patrons.
I am going to buy a bullhorn. This is the last time I am going half hearted into defending my property rights. Next time they are going to be fucking sorry they started this. I hope no one feels safe coming there anymore. Rules are simple you stupid fucking idiots. Don't park in my driveway of you don't want trouble.
Why don't you just announce this at the beginning of each play. Feel free to call me an asshole and tell them how I will call parking enforcement.
01/23/2015 14:13 #59778
When does birthday spanking become abuse?Category: birthdays
01/22/2015 22:21 #59776
Crab cakes and Crème brûléeCategory: food
01/22/2015 22:14 #59775
Happy Birthday PaulCategory: birthdays
Shopping at the mall. New jewelery. Best wine in the world. Robery. Televisions.

joe - 01/23/15 23:13
Draw your own conclusions.
Draw your own conclusions.
Yeah, they call that picking crabs. I don't get it either. It's a lot of work and a lot of carnage. Native Marylanders explained to me that there's a social aspect to picking crabs, deeply ingrained in the local culture. You're supposed to cover a table with newspaper, drink cheap local beer (National Bohemian), and plan in spending hours chatting and picking crabs. If you come to town for this again, or crab cakes, let me know! I'd be happy to show you around Bmore.
Sounds like I'm going to have to travel for some crab cakes. The last time I was in Maryland I got a bucket of the blue crabs themselves. While they were absolutely delicious, it required an enormous amount of effort to extract them. I want to try the cakes next time.
First, Happy Birthday! Second, are those crab cakes deep fried? If so, that would not go over well in Maryland, where the crab cake is taken very seriously, worshipped even. I don't brag about Maryland too much, but they definitely got crab cakes right here in Baltimore. That said, Balitmore's best chicken wings are probably on par with Buffalo's worst.