We all got a little bit ridiculous, and so did the music. The lower level had house music and the upper had more jungle, some DnB and sadly some trap. We danced for hours - after getting there after 12, we didn't leave until almost 7 am. I did some of my best dancing ever according to (e:paul).
At one point (e:terry) and I panicked a bit because we needed to pee, but we couldn't wait in an hour line for the 5 port-a-potties. For $10 reentry, we had the privilege of peeing outside - I guess that's the going rate these days. Our night greatly improved after that. You can buy happiness.
I was so exhausted by the end. Our coats and clothes were caked with mysterious floor mud and I'm pretty sure I had black lung. But it definitely was one of the best raves I've been to yet.

Paul in a mask - reliving his vegan power days. If only his vegan self could meet him now.

(e:keith) tearing it up
The end of the night lead to the most awkward night of my life. Maybe I'll post about it one day. Moral of the story - if anyone ever gives you this stare, run:

I am dying to hear the awkwardness tale - especially since that stare doesn't look so scary! :)