I've had all kinds of blogs, actually. The writing starts out in glorious rivers and then dries up to pitiful droplets and eventually dies completely. LiveJournal, anyone? Since no one is actually going to read my thing, I am going to babble to myself.
In keeping with this Buffalo theme, Casey and I went to celebrate Festivus with Joe's family. They are Identical Mouth Family and they can never lie about being related because they are all twinsies, it's very cute. I failed to get a picture of Mama-san because I didn't want to point a camera right in her face, but she made delicious homemade calzones that were delightful. Airing of Grievances was quite charming and apparently everyone was agrieved with poor Joe, but I was mostly enraged with Wegmans. I spend $150 every time I walk in there, even if it's for a lightbulb. You are entranced by the noises and lighting and in 5 minutes I've got armloads of cave ripened cheeses and exotic fruit. Fuck that shit.

What is an Airing of Grievances? How come I haven't read about this in the chronicles of (e:paul) and (e:joe). Wait. <GASP> did I miss something!?
Why are your pics so tiny?
You could always write, and then photograph that page and then post the pic on estrip... and we get all the benefits of your dotted i's and crossed t's. :-)
I am sure you will write more interesting things than the chronicles of (e:paul) and (e:joe)!
Fuck Wegman's.
Mama-san would have been happy if you got her picture. She freelances as a model.
Was so much fun seeing them all grieve on (e:joe).
I know what you mean about writing. I used to write so much, multiple times a day. Now I just barely capture the highlights. Most of it is just that my life became unbelievable work centric and boring. On the other hand I have written down everything I have done at work for about 8 years. Now that's a boring story.