This year was much tamer than last year. Oe I should say I was much tamer. The Market Arcade venue was really great as we're the DJs. The venue was almost too big with all the floors. It seems like it might have been better to just have 1 floor and have the drink tickets closer to the drinks and the gambling tickets closer to the baskets. I also think the event could do with some salty/carb based drinking snacks like pretzels or chips.
Holy crap, we cleaned up the prize baskets. I think we won 7 of them. Not so much by luck but by sheer ticket volume and the fact that not a lot of other people were betting at the volume we were. It was almost embarrassing to win so many times. I now own a whip, some clothes, gift certificates to a lot of places, a asian manger, two womens dildos lol, some scarves, a purse, some earings, hydraulic hearth restaurant gift cert, some lesbians porn with nuns, some skin care supplies, dog bed and snacks, and a laser plastic surgery $250 gift cert.
We actually gave away a lot of the prizes. I collected some of the remaining ones into a picture.
I finally won the thing I actually wanted, the laser plastic surgery gift certificate I wanted so bad last year. I have this little capillary I hate on my lip. Discussing with everyone, no one else ever noticed. Now hopefully, I won't have to notice it either.
I have not made it there yet ..... (716) that is
what a crazy awesome ride idea :)