Steve's Journal
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12/08/2014 14:07 #59648
This is what we builtCategory: music
On The Cinder are a few of the many friends i’ve made since getting involved with the DIY music community here in Buffalo. A three-piece punk band hailing from “The Flower House” (where I stayed before moving in with (e:yesthatcasey)), they’ve been huge supporters of me and never hesitated when I needed help in any way. This is a music video that we shot on a weekend in early July. Included in it are cameos from local DIY artists and musicians (including me!) who keep our scene going strong. We might not have a lot of money or get much in terms of press, but we sure as hell put the most heart and soul into what we do.
11/21/2014 19:15 #59602
New Year’s ProjectCategory: art
A perk of being involved with the DIY music community in Buffalo is that I’ve had the opportunity to befriend a lot of musicians within the area. An even bigger perk is when they’re in local bands with a strong visibility in the media and a strong following of fans. A friend of mine’s band is playing a New Year’s Eve show at Nietzsche’s this year; one that will no doubt get some pretty big press leading up to it. The only downside with my line of work so far is that I haven’t gotten the exposure I need to make this take off and make a living off of it (believe me, I’ve tried repeatedly to get a local music blog to take notice of what we do to no avail even if they say that they dig what we do as DIY’ers). With that said, I love my friends within the punk scene; they’re the ones who’ve been my biggest supporters bar none and plug my work whenever they can. If anything, I’m really hoping that the finished product will have the various local outlets take me seriously as a DIY artist. I’m keeping the final details of the show secretive in a half-assed way only until the final poster is done, so until that enjoy these two sketches and their respective inked versions as “teasers” for what it might look like. Yes, that stegosaurus is wearing a pair of sunglasses. I’m pretty psyched.

11/12/2014 20:04 #59574
Dream Big, Ride BikesCategory: bikes
It was over 13 years that I went without riding a bike, let alone owning one. A friend of mine had one sitting in his house he wanted to give me, but it just needed some work done. Summer got busy for both of us, so it took him roughly 3 months for him to get it into (mostly) rideable shape. I just needed to buy new inner tubes (which (e:yesthatcasey) and our other roommate Brad taught me how to replace) along with a new rear wheel and brakes. All that was needed was a bike lock which came in the mail a few weeks ago. It’s definitely towards the end of normal bike season, but with my car currently out of commission it provides an alternative to walking and public transit. For the past week or so I’d do small trips of a little over 5 miles just because I haven’t been in the swing of bike riding for over a decade. Yesterday (e:paul), (e:joe), Casey, and myself went on a bike ride on what promised to be the last nice day of the year to do so. All together I think we rode for about 2 hours and anywhere between 13-15 miles total. On the way home, Casey and I stopped at Lloyd’s Taco Truck for dinner and rode back the apartment. It was a good bonding experience and I’m happy I got a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather. I’m really proud of myself for being able to keep going the entire time, and my only complaint was that my seat is godawful and needs replacing. I probably wont get much use out of my bike until next spring/summer, but when that time comes I’m looking forward to taking advantage of it any moment I can.

09/14/2014 20:42 #59393
27 EverywhereCategory: birthdays
Last Thursday was my birthday so I turned the big 27 on September 11th. A day made infamous 13 years ago and again chosen to be my sister’s wedding day in 2009, it’s not far off to say that I don’t have the chance to do much of anything on it when it comes around. My day started out with my mom treating me to lunch, an event that usually coincides with celebrating my sister’s wedding anniversary as well. It was originally planned to be just my mom and I, but my sister and youngest niece joined us as well. Lunch was filling and my mom presented me with both new towels and sheets for my new bed (which is on layaway and still waiting to get paid off).
My next stop was to the Book Arts Center, the non-profit I’ve been volunteering at for 2½ years. We have a tradition where we split gourmet cupcakes to celebrate everyone’s birthdays as a way of celebrating. Two of the staff wished me a happy birthday before-hand and when I arrived, while the last one did as an afterthought after we locked up and he rode off on his bike. They didn’t do anything for my birthday and I immediately felt super bummed. Maybe I was more hurt because it was something I was really looking forward to, but it just seemed like they didn’t care enough to even bother. (Side note: I went in the next day to finish up some projects and nothing was said by anyone about it.)
(e:yesthatcasey) had asked me earlier in the week to let him know how I wanted to celebrate, so I told him all I wanted was a nice, chill evening spent relaxing. Casey, our roommate Brad, and I began the evening playing Castle Risk with the aid of some quality vodka. (e:terry) stopped by shortly after to partake in our mellow night. Casey dominated in Castle Risk and (even with helpful advice from Terry) he wiped out my castle before overpowering Brad in any chance of retaliating from his attack. As our night continued someone mentioned playing frisbee; while I cannot remember how it came up we all decided it would be best to play out on Colonial Circle at around 1:30 AM with three frisbees in hand. It was a perfect night to be outside and even with our delayed reaction to catching or misguided accuracy at throwing, we had a good time. Terry headed home and the three of us crashed, not worrying about waking up any time soon.
I’m still a bit bummed that I didn’t get a chance to celebrate my special day with friends and family with a cake (or cupcake substitute) purely out of the symbolic thought behind it. Maybe it’s dumb because in retrospect it’s such a tiny tradition and not what birthdays are all about. Regardless, I didn’t let that ruin my day in any aspect. I had a great night bonding with my roommates and Terry, and it solidified the fact that I am now somewhere I belong living with some pretty great people.
My next stop was to the Book Arts Center, the non-profit I’ve been volunteering at for 2½ years. We have a tradition where we split gourmet cupcakes to celebrate everyone’s birthdays as a way of celebrating. Two of the staff wished me a happy birthday before-hand and when I arrived, while the last one did as an afterthought after we locked up and he rode off on his bike. They didn’t do anything for my birthday and I immediately felt super bummed. Maybe I was more hurt because it was something I was really looking forward to, but it just seemed like they didn’t care enough to even bother. (Side note: I went in the next day to finish up some projects and nothing was said by anyone about it.)
(e:yesthatcasey) had asked me earlier in the week to let him know how I wanted to celebrate, so I told him all I wanted was a nice, chill evening spent relaxing. Casey, our roommate Brad, and I began the evening playing Castle Risk with the aid of some quality vodka. (e:terry) stopped by shortly after to partake in our mellow night. Casey dominated in Castle Risk and (even with helpful advice from Terry) he wiped out my castle before overpowering Brad in any chance of retaliating from his attack. As our night continued someone mentioned playing frisbee; while I cannot remember how it came up we all decided it would be best to play out on Colonial Circle at around 1:30 AM with three frisbees in hand. It was a perfect night to be outside and even with our delayed reaction to catching or misguided accuracy at throwing, we had a good time. Terry headed home and the three of us crashed, not worrying about waking up any time soon.
I’m still a bit bummed that I didn’t get a chance to celebrate my special day with friends and family with a cake (or cupcake substitute) purely out of the symbolic thought behind it. Maybe it’s dumb because in retrospect it’s such a tiny tradition and not what birthdays are all about. Regardless, I didn’t let that ruin my day in any aspect. I had a great night bonding with my roommates and Terry, and it solidified the fact that I am now somewhere I belong living with some pretty great people.
08/08/2014 00:49 #59280
A “Howl”ing Good TimeCategory: music
Tuesday night there was a show up at Stamps (...the bar) in Tonawanda. Weeknight shows aren’t too uncommon, but they’re hit or miss in terms of attendance. The acts playing that night were Avidd (they’re relatively new to our particular scene, but they’ve got spirit), Radical Operations (I’ve made flyers for at least 10 shows they’ve been on, but have yet to officially meet them), Seven Thirty Seven (also fronted by Vader Mike), Accidentals (three of my most favorite people in the world), and The Howl (from Chicago). The show turned out a good number of attendees for a weeknight (maybe 50-60 people), with a sizable chunk of the group being mostly regulars from our crew.
The night, however, had a special meaning to me more than anyone else there. I had the honor of meeting The Howl back in January of this year as they played the first show I made a flyer for since October of 2013 and also the first show I had been to since that past summer. The show was at “The Lair” on Niagara St., another basement venue that is best associated with hardcore shows. I bonded with Sam who does lead vocals/guitar for The Howl after being introduced as the one who drew up the flyer. Sam and I had shared interests in printmaking and he also worked with a non-profit similar to the one I volunteer at. They played a great set and I made sure to pick up one of their CDs despite my poverty; it is still one I listen to on repeat. Two of the other bands on the bill I got to meet were []On The Cinder[/link] and Accidentals, both bands who have become invaluable in their friendships and major driving forces in supporting my freelance work. The show was a blast and a major turning point in my life; from that night on I vowed to attend every show I designed a flyer for and to work hard to get my name out there.
Tuesday night’s show was an awesome and sweaty good time, but more than that it was a reunion to me and reminder of the friendships I’ve built since that cold, winter night in January. Sam recognized me right off the bat and we both caught up with what has been happening in our lives since our last parting. On The Cinder came out to support the show and dragged almost everyone else from The Flower House (another house venue, and most recently a temporary home for me) with them. I kept on going back in forth in my head, comparing both nights and how far I’ve come since then. I was in a bar listening to music with a bunch of my friends, a complete 180 from not knowing a soul outside of my best friend who booked the shows I did flyers for.
The show ended and with new t-shirt, pin for my hat, and stickers in hand from The Howl, it was time to head back home. Everyone (including The Howl) was headed back to Flower to decompress, and after initially planning on just going to bed I decided to stop by as well. I hadn’t seen Sam and the guys since January, so I didn’t want to miss hanging out with them for a little bit more before they left for their next tour destination. We all chatted, I showed them some more artwork I had done, and they asked me a lot of questions about Buffalo. Forest Gump was put on Netflix and as everything quieted down I finally took my leave to get some rest myself. The boys of The Howl (Sam, John, John, Ryan, and Chris) are some really awesome people, and I look forward to the day when I can see them again.


The night, however, had a special meaning to me more than anyone else there. I had the honor of meeting The Howl back in January of this year as they played the first show I made a flyer for since October of 2013 and also the first show I had been to since that past summer. The show was at “The Lair” on Niagara St., another basement venue that is best associated with hardcore shows. I bonded with Sam who does lead vocals/guitar for The Howl after being introduced as the one who drew up the flyer. Sam and I had shared interests in printmaking and he also worked with a non-profit similar to the one I volunteer at. They played a great set and I made sure to pick up one of their CDs despite my poverty; it is still one I listen to on repeat. Two of the other bands on the bill I got to meet were []On The Cinder[/link] and Accidentals, both bands who have become invaluable in their friendships and major driving forces in supporting my freelance work. The show was a blast and a major turning point in my life; from that night on I vowed to attend every show I designed a flyer for and to work hard to get my name out there.
Tuesday night’s show was an awesome and sweaty good time, but more than that it was a reunion to me and reminder of the friendships I’ve built since that cold, winter night in January. Sam recognized me right off the bat and we both caught up with what has been happening in our lives since our last parting. On The Cinder came out to support the show and dragged almost everyone else from The Flower House (another house venue, and most recently a temporary home for me) with them. I kept on going back in forth in my head, comparing both nights and how far I’ve come since then. I was in a bar listening to music with a bunch of my friends, a complete 180 from not knowing a soul outside of my best friend who booked the shows I did flyers for.
The show ended and with new t-shirt, pin for my hat, and stickers in hand from The Howl, it was time to head back home. Everyone (including The Howl) was headed back to Flower to decompress, and after initially planning on just going to bed I decided to stop by as well. I hadn’t seen Sam and the guys since January, so I didn’t want to miss hanging out with them for a little bit more before they left for their next tour destination. We all chatted, I showed them some more artwork I had done, and they asked me a lot of questions about Buffalo. Forest Gump was put on Netflix and as everything quieted down I finally took my leave to get some rest myself. The boys of The Howl (Sam, John, John, Ryan, and Chris) are some really awesome people, and I look forward to the day when I can see them again.

steve - 08/10/14 23:29
Thanks, and I’ve thought about it. Originally I was going to have music notes to denote the different bands went with wood instead. So yeah, it’s something that could actually happen.
Thanks, and I’ve thought about it. Originally I was going to have music notes to denote the different bands went with wood instead. So yeah, it’s something that could actually happen.
paul - 08/09/14 17:30
Ya can you make those three wolves into a tee-shirt.
Ya can you make those three wolves into a tee-shirt.
joe - 08/08/14 13:25
That wolf flyer is awesome.
That wolf flyer is awesome.
But for real I don't think there's anything better than a bike ride. It's so freeing. Glad you have a bike now.
"I probably wont get much use out of my bike until next spring/summer, but when that time comes I’m looking forward to taking advantage of it any moment I can."
Ride through winter!!