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07/31/2013 21:24 #57956

More luna fun
Category: work

a Luna picture from Tuesday

heidi - 08/01/13 12:51
She's so pretty! She almost looks like she's been groomed.

07/22/2013 14:05 #57928

Busy times
Category: work
Something about this work year made things get tougher. The office goes on a bit of death march beginning in June and it finally ends Wednesday with Wines in the Wild. It's a nice gathering for attendees, but flipping exhausting to pull off, but it's all worth it in the end I suppose.

But in the words of Lily Von Stupe, I'm tired. Missed Ladycroft's visit even though you were literally in my work place which sucks more for me. The Estrip wedding fell on an event day here, so you wonder if Karma is messing with you a little.

But slowly fun is starting to make a reappearance. I reconnected with a friend who I thought I lost and together we got adopted by the staff over at Boomerangs, maybe it might have something to so with sitting on the patio from 5 until 11 on Saturday. We're part of a merry band that is putting together the first Buffalo Dead Fest in Alden in August, which should be a hoot.

Came across this during the morning:

A glass of wine

To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine and those who don't and are always seen with a bottle of water in their hand:

As Ben Franklin said:

In wine there is wisdom,
In beer there is freedom,
In water there is bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day,
at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli , (E. Coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words , we are consuming 1 kilo of poop annually.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer
(or rum , whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling , filtering and fermenting.

Water = Poop
Wine = Health
Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of Shit.

Happy Monday, ya'all
paul - 07/22/13 17:49
Thats an interesting perspective on water consumption.

06/27/2013 10:53 #57843

Work friends
Category: work

This was pretty cool. She came over to watch preparations for an evening event and hung for a bit.

mrmike - 06/28/13 12:12
I'm thinking the latter, but he had some interesting call and response going with the lions that were inside
ladycroft - 06/28/13 08:46
what was up with the male though? he seriously sounded ill, or maybe like he was just going to hark up a fur ball the size of a small dog....

06/25/2013 09:17 #57837

You talkin' to me?
Category: work

One of my colleagues in repose on Monday evening prior to an nighttime event at the office.

Ever get the feeling you were being watched.


06/18/2013 18:25 #57821

Can You spot the peacock in this picture?
Category: work

look carefully
