Not so great at doing the Vlog but ok......
Then it was up to what ever that thing is called... To take some Buffalo shots.....
Then The birds again don't know if it was the same ones or not guessing so....
Now to be honest I'm not sure if that clothing truck was selling stuff I'm sure they where but I didn't check it out .....
So One of the things about a blog is you have no idea if anyone reads it or not... That being said if anyone is at this point I guess it is time to admit something... Yesterday I was fine with this being my memorial day.. The old days of cookouts I guess are over.. Besides I still don't know if all the bugs are gone.. They could just be waiting till it gets cold... In any event I picked the Hatch.. Didn't know if Liberty Hound is a Baseball hat kinda place... Gotta try and keep the sun of my face... But Today is depressing... I think being single and kinda naturally a loner although I do like people was fine until I joined twitter.. That is really a social place wow... So my body feels like I should be with others sitting on a couch or maybe I just miss my friends mother and grandmother ..... But I still did get enjoyment with some shows just wish there would have been a great war movie on .....Back to if anyone is still reading The service at the hatch seemed a little bit off... But not sure how long they have been open give them a chance ........
I took a walk down by the water.. So those photos are up next but couldn't figure out how to Light house or what ever the out harbor is once I got over the Bridge but some stuff past General Mills was closed and wasn't sure where left would take me.......
A few downtown shots But first I want to say took some pictures of some cool Urban art and club diablo I don't have all the details but is in the middle of a change......
So If you made it through all of that congrats .... Two Things there are no pictures on the ships cause I didn't feel comfortable going on them it was all kids and parents didn't want to be the creepy guy with camera.. It kinda felt like it might be weird ... Also at The Hatch they have a thing on the door warning people to watch their food or was it keep an eye on it because of the birds... Not sure how the birds are there but I remember they use to be Vicious at Teds I've seen them steal them once with people right at the table (my sis I think) Hope everyone had a great holiday... Oh it feels so good to not me at work... Almost enough to quit.. Sometimes I do feel like just quiting and turning off the power and putting everything at the curb well except Art on walls pictures and electronics .... Enjoy
It was really good :)
I love those burgers so much. Damn I want one right now.