News's Journal
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12/31/2012 14:13 #57106
Party Tonight - 24 Linwood 14209Category: party
12/18/2012 09:16 #57007
Site OutageCategory: estrip
The site will be down for the first time that I can remember in 5 years as the electricity at my house is being turned off to replace the circuit breaker today. It will come back on when the electricity is back.
Due to the sudden nature of the situation I didn't have time to move it somewhere offsite.
Due to the sudden nature of the situation I didn't have time to move it somewhere offsite.
metalpeter - 12/18/12 17:39
Ok thanks I was wondering when cause it kinda doesn't say thanks for the info...
Ok thanks I was wondering when cause it kinda doesn't say thanks for the info...
paul - 12/18/12 17:36
This is postponed until the 27th or later.
This is postponed until the 27th or later.
12/17/2012 00:22 #57005
New Years Eve Party 2013Category: holidays
We would like to invite you guys to our annual New Years Eve Party. Its 12/31/2012 which this year is a Monday Night ;( Starts around 9PM @ 24 Linwood Ave. Hope to see you all there. Bring drinks, bring all your friends, the more the merrier.

metalpeter - 12/18/12 17:33
Should be a great time
Should be a great time
12/12/2012 23:14 #56989
Estrip Android App UpdateCategory: android
I updated the estrip mobile app for android. It now counts the attachments for you and removes them when done posting. It also uses a whole new way of posting using an async task. You should be able to update from Google Play.
12/12/2012 20:15 #56987
Privacy URLCategory: privacy
This is a message saying that the estrip.org android app collects no information when publishing blogs.
I'm so depressed I'm not there... Have fun peaches!!!
I'll be there with camera and just bought the Booze so ... Sure it will be a great time looking forward to seeing the new ball.....