My mom kept hinting she wanted something touchscreen for a while now so
(e:mike) and I got my parents a tablet for christmas. We got them the Asus transformer tablet 300t. Its 32gb, quad core with tegra 3 graphics running Jelly Bean 4.1.2. The hdmi out works great with the tv so they can rent movies on google play and stream them right to the tv.
At first we had reservations if they would/could use it but by the time I left they were so into it that I witnessed my mom try and pull it out of my dads hands to play a game he was playing, haha.
On the way home mike and I both google talked them to say we were home and they responded via the tablet. They even gave me a google talk voice chat to say goodnight.
I got them on pandora, google talk, a bunch of games, google music, google play, google earth, skype, chrome and more.
It was fun ripping their old CDs on their comp and watching the songs seamlessly show up on their google music app on the tablet.
Then we played a cooperative game of word search.
Top of my gift list this year: two pairs of texting gloves (wool pair and leather driving gloves) and the simple design salad bowl I have wanted for months. Now I am goung to need the whole collection.
Seems crazy that you went to work and no one had shoveled on your block by when you came back... But if people use a side entrance it makes sense. But also shoveling is one of those things that if done the correct way the scraping wakes people up... It woke me up this morning then over to my mothers place... Now my place they did the walk between houses and in front of one of them not the others...ARGh ... Not to mention there is a corner house where they only did the front and not the side....ARGH...
Excellent job, (e:Paul)! :-)