It was so weird to see all the same Christian protesters that protest at gay pride, Thursday in the square, etc. Its especially weird because despite a few key strangenesses, the mormons still believe in God and Jesus and the teaching of Jesus including compassion, love, etc. It was unbelievable to hear the one old protestor guy screaming about such insignificant differences like which city was Jesus born in (Jeruselem or Bethlehem.) Especially when there are groups with more fundamental differences like not believing in Jesus altogether. It makes me think the real issue is fighting over sheep and who can have the most. Nothing about the way these people act reminds me of the teachings of Jesus.
In general mormons seem like a friendly bunch of people. Not that I want to be one or that I believe in their nonsense, it just seems like they are not as bad as the evangelicals I am constantly exposed to in public settings. At the same time they still have that gay hate thing going on.
Now my sort of funny comment is... I'm still not sure those guys are protesters I mean I think they are a bit and there are things they hate... But I think it is more about spreading the word... Reason I say that is if there was a public orgy on a cross and 3 people where there you wouldn't see them.... But onto the interesting part what would the guys say if you came at them with something like this... "Mit is a mormon and Barack loves the gays and might be Muslim who you voting for" you know try to bait them and see what way their hate leans more :) .... I also wonder if they would just keep shouting :)
I just have to toss out a question cause I'm not sure then after that I have a funny comment.... I love that "The Church Of Normal Day Saints" has all these ads about how to be a better person... Like how the ref screws them and after the game they help him with his car... I love that message I love the way they come out and say how to treat people.. Now I get that those are mormons but does being a mormon mean you are part of that church? It would be kinda like how you have baptists and southernbaptists or maybe it is more like how there are different kinds of Budhists or how different islaimic sects blow each other up and take americans with them... Reason I ask is the ads seem so different then oh yeah blacks are different then whites and oh yeah it is ok to have 5 wives well unless one is a guy.....