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06/27/2012 00:24 #56569

Dear Timewarner, I want static ipv6 now
Category: computers
IPv6 day happend and I still don't have an ipv6 ip. I guess I could tunnel ipv6to ip4 with Hurricane electric but it doesn't feel as good as having a true ipv6 static ip so I spoke with time warner business chat

I really hope they can help me out.

Curtis>Hello Paul, How may I assist you this evening?
Paul_> Am I able to get ipv6 static IP addresses yet?
Paul_> right now I have 5 static ip4 addresses from timewarner
Paul_>I would like to also use ipv6 without having to tunnel
Curtis>Not that I know of Paul. What City and State are the services located?
Paul_>Buffalo, NY
Paul_>Is there someone who would know for sure?
Curtis>Your account executive would know if you are able to add IPV6 to the account. Looking up a contact number for you. Usually they are available M-F 8A-5PM . I'll just be a moment.
Curtis>Office Phone Number (Toll Free): 800-504-3497 Select add/change services. I'm certain at this hour you will be re-directed to technical support, so you may want to wait until morning.
Paul_>i just want to know if it is available
Paul_>do you think tech support would know?
Paul_>or do I need to wait until tomorrow?
Curtis>I know we have started to use IPV6 in some areas but I think at this point a lot of it is agreed testing with certain companies.
Curtis>Unfortunatly they would have less information than I would. I do not have details about what is being offered in certain areas. Do you currently have a static IP ?
Paul_>5 of htem
Curtis>I'm trying to locate additional information for you.
Paul_>but they are ipv4
Curtis>Thank you.
Curtis>That is the best I can offer at this hour Paul. I will look into this deeper and can have someone update you via email if you would like.
Paul_>I actually read that site earlier today
Paul_>it is what got me interested
Paul_>that would be great to have someone email me
Curtis>I thought you might have.
Paul_>I will also call my rep tomorrow
Curtis>May I get your address?
Curtis>No problem, this is something I need to be more aware of too. So I appreciate the question as there will be many other questions regarding the protocol upgrade.
Curtis>I'll have someone reach out to you in the morning. Any other questions you might have?
Paul_>nope thats it. Thanks you have been helpful.

paul - 06/27/12 23:09
I called them today and they didn't have anything available. I asked when it would be available and they said "someday".

06/24/2012 19:47 #56565

Rat Tail Gone Wild
Category: haircut
This is definately the craziest hair I have ever seen. It looks like roadkill. I imagine thr guy either has the stringest neck ever or serious neck issues.

We saw it walking down the main street in Williamsville of all places.

fing - 06/24/12 23:05
I see this guy all the time walking in that area. He is a weird lookin dude.

06/24/2012 19:44 #56564

Network Support?
Category: computers
The first network supported wooden fence I have seen.

fing - 06/24/12 23:05
You should plug in and see if you get anywhere. We use old ones at work sometimes to hold the closet doors open.

06/21/2012 20:49 #56561

Happy faces are not French Fries
Category: food
I feel like this is the krab version of fries.


06/18/2012 23:05 #56556

Wild Main Street Prairie
Category: nature
It so hard to believe this was a building and will be a building at the corner of High and Main st. Right now it looks like a prairie. The daisies are so cute.
