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06/27/2012 13:54 #56571
Beach DayCategory: weather
06/27/2012 00:24 #56569
Dear Timewarner, I want static ipv6 nowCategory: computers
IPv6 day happend and I still don't have an ipv6 ip. I guess I could tunnel ipv6to ip4 with Hurricane electric but it doesn't feel as good as having a true ipv6 static ip so I spoke with time warner business chat 
I really hope they can help me out.
Curtis>Hello Paul, How may I assist you this evening?
Paul_> Am I able to get ipv6 static IP addresses yet?
Paul_> right now I have 5 static ip4 addresses from timewarner
Paul_>I would like to also use ipv6 without having to tunnel
Curtis>Not that I know of Paul. What City and State are the services located?
Paul_>Buffalo, NY
Paul_>Is there someone who would know for sure?
Curtis>Your account executive would know if you are able to add IPV6 to the account. Looking up a contact number for you. Usually they are available M-F 8A-5PM . I'll just be a moment.
Curtis>Office Phone Number (Toll Free): 800-504-3497 Select add/change services. I'm certain at this hour you will be re-directed to technical support, so you may want to wait until morning.
Paul_>i just want to know if it is available
Paul_>do you think tech support would know?
Paul_>or do I need to wait until tomorrow?
Curtis>I know we have started to use IPV6 in some areas but I think at this point a lot of it is agreed testing with certain companies.
Curtis>Unfortunatly they would have less information than I would. I do not have details about what is being offered in certain areas. Do you currently have a static IP ?
Paul_>5 of htem
Curtis>I'm trying to locate additional information for you.
Paul_>but they are ipv4
Curtis>Thank you.
Curtis> http://www.timewarnercable.com/ipv6
Curtis>That is the best I can offer at this hour Paul. I will look into this deeper and can have someone update you via email if you would like.
Paul_>I actually read that site earlier today
Paul_>it is what got me interested
Paul_>that would be great to have someone email me
Curtis>I thought you might have.
Paul_>I will also call my rep tomorrow
Curtis>May I get your address?
Curtis>No problem, this is something I need to be more aware of too. So I appreciate the question as there will be many other questions regarding the protocol upgrade.
Curtis>I'll have someone reach out to you in the morning. Any other questions you might have?
Paul_>nope thats it. Thanks you have been helpful.

I really hope they can help me out.
Curtis>Hello Paul, How may I assist you this evening?
Paul_> Am I able to get ipv6 static IP addresses yet?
Paul_> right now I have 5 static ip4 addresses from timewarner
Paul_>I would like to also use ipv6 without having to tunnel
Curtis>Not that I know of Paul. What City and State are the services located?
Paul_>Buffalo, NY
Paul_>Is there someone who would know for sure?
Curtis>Your account executive would know if you are able to add IPV6 to the account. Looking up a contact number for you. Usually they are available M-F 8A-5PM . I'll just be a moment.
Curtis>Office Phone Number (Toll Free): 800-504-3497 Select add/change services. I'm certain at this hour you will be re-directed to technical support, so you may want to wait until morning.
Paul_>i just want to know if it is available
Paul_>do you think tech support would know?
Paul_>or do I need to wait until tomorrow?
Curtis>I know we have started to use IPV6 in some areas but I think at this point a lot of it is agreed testing with certain companies.
Curtis>Unfortunatly they would have less information than I would. I do not have details about what is being offered in certain areas. Do you currently have a static IP ?
Paul_>5 of htem
Curtis>I'm trying to locate additional information for you.
Paul_>but they are ipv4
Curtis>Thank you.
Curtis> http://www.timewarnercable.com/ipv6
Curtis>That is the best I can offer at this hour Paul. I will look into this deeper and can have someone update you via email if you would like.
Paul_>I actually read that site earlier today
Paul_>it is what got me interested
Paul_>that would be great to have someone email me
Curtis>I thought you might have.
Paul_>I will also call my rep tomorrow
Curtis>May I get your address?
Curtis>No problem, this is something I need to be more aware of too. So I appreciate the question as there will be many other questions regarding the protocol upgrade.
Curtis>I'll have someone reach out to you in the morning. Any other questions you might have?
Paul_>nope thats it. Thanks you have been helpful.
06/24/2012 19:47 #56565
Rat Tail Gone WildCategory: haircut
This is definately the craziest hair I have ever seen. It looks like roadkill. I imagine thr guy either has the stringest neck ever or serious neck issues.
We saw it walking down the main street in Williamsville of all places.

We saw it walking down the main street in Williamsville of all places.

fing - 06/24/12 23:05
I see this guy all the time walking in that area. He is a weird lookin dude.
I see this guy all the time walking in that area. He is a weird lookin dude.
06/24/2012 19:44 #56564
Network Support?Category: computers
The first network supported wooden fence I have seen.

fing - 06/24/12 23:05
You should plug in and see if you get anywhere. We use old ones at work sometimes to hold the closet doors open.
You should plug in and see if you get anywhere. We use old ones at work sometimes to hold the closet doors open.
I called them today and they didn't have anything available. I asked when it would be available and they said "someday".