Jill threw Kelly a huge surprise 40th birthday party with an '80s theme today (uh. yesterday. got distracted). I know this is a lot of pix, but it's been a while since I've touched my real camera and I had a lot of fun. I thanked Jill for NOT throwing such a shindig for me - I would have been pissed and very uncomfortable.
My brother cheating on the lyrics quiz.
Mataya the mudpuppy
Sush cheating on the lyrics quiz
06/09/2012 12:24 #56533
TinyPliny Category: friends
Dear (e:TinyPliny), I hope your dissertation work is going well. I miss you!
paul - 06/08/12 17:30 That top buffalo statue is so cute.
metalpeter - 06/08/12 16:47 I love both Soaps Please tell me you bought some and left in unopened and have it on a shelf for display someplace that is great :).... Ok and maybe one to open also to see if there is a picture of a pussy and a cock on the soap..HA :)
06/02/2012 21:49 #56513
Spiderwort Category: flowers
They close up when they get too hot. Smart flowers. (related to wandering jew, which i didn't know flowered)
I concur.