Normally I hate Microsoft but this system seems pretty awesome
Its based on a standard language, its free and it runs on android.
The system basically allows you to program event based actions for your phone using JavaScript or by deleting pre-written recipes.
06/04/2012 22:15 #56518
Buffalo Pride 2012 Category: holidays
Hated it. Maybe worst day ever. The only good part was seeing my cousin and the hillariousness of the seagull attack on my brother. Not sure if I am even going next year.
metalpeter - 06/05/12 17:54 Ok I got some wrong info then..... Sorry you didn't enjoy it......
paul - 06/05/12 17:28 The event itself was fine. It was my own issues that made it suck. They definately sold beer. I would say too much of it, LOL.
metalpeter - 06/05/12 17:05 well I'm assuming that you mean the stuff after and not the parade? Wonder how much the weather is a factor in that? Plus didn't they like ask for Donations from what I was reading vs. Free? Also read is it true no beer sales?
06/04/2012 22:00 #56517
Cranky Wet Tortoise Category: pets
Poor tortoises have been so wet and cold. I hate bringing them in but they seem so miserable. (e:terry) brought them in this afternoon.
YesThatCasey - 06/05/12 10:24 How can you tell that they are miserable?
06/04/2012 09:33 #56515
Franklin and North Category: buffalo
Since they fixed the corner they have torn up the street several times. Now it looks like they are going to put in a new sewer system. There are marks down all of the new fancy sidewalks like they are going to have to cut them up. I don't understand why they didn't do all of this while the street was tore up last year.
metalpeter - 06/04/12 16:30 One hand doesn't know what the other is doing? Corruption ? take your pick... Maybe it was so bad they had to do it and they can only do one thing at a time?
Ok I got some wrong info then..... Sorry you didn't enjoy it......
The event itself was fine. It was my own issues that made it suck. They definately sold beer. I would say too much of it, LOL.
well I'm assuming that you mean the stuff after and not the parade? Wonder how much the weather is a factor in that? Plus didn't they like ask for Donations from what I was reading vs. Free? Also read is it true no beer sales?