They were so amazing. Basically a long pod like a peapod but larger that had a brown husk. Inside of it were the cloudberries like peas in a pod, but longer like beans and fluffier. Each one was the consistency of a only slightly stale easter peep with a yellow/brownish colored surface that resembled perfectly baked bread. They had the most delicate sweet flavor with a hint of vanilla.
In the dream we were caught by authorities for stealing some wild cloudberries which was illegal because they were supposedly endangered. As I walked away from the ranger, I saw him eating the stash he confiscated from me. I confronted him and told him I thought he was just trying to scare me away so he could eat them all. He agreed and laughed.
Interesting... I say that dream has something to do with power and how one has to listen to it and obey it even when it is wrong Vs. talking over a solution ? HA... When I saw the name I had no idea of such a thing a figured it was about cloud computing with a black berry glad I read it instead of skipping...